Инста кары делевинь
инста кары делевинь
инста кары делевинь
Кара Делевинь в Инстаграм пользуется огромной популярностью. Молодая, но уже известная на весь мир модель Кара Делевинь родилась в 1992 году. Родители девушки также связаны с творческой сферой, поэтому выбор Кары весьма обоснован.
Впервые модель вышла на подиум в 17 лет. После первого показа ее заметил бренд Burberry в лице директора. В тот же момент девушке был предложен контракт с данной компанией. Она с радостью приняла предложение. С тех пор началась ее профессиональная карьера в модельном бизнесе.
Модель Cara Delevigne постоянно выкладывает в Instagram фотографии со своих показов и мероприятий, в которых она принимает участие. В 2013 году она была признана рекордсменкой по количеству выходов на подиум (39 раз). Это говорит о высокой работоспособности и преданности своему любимому делу.
Помимо этого, звезда зарекомендовала себя в роли актрисы. Первой картиной с ее участием стала экранизация романа «Анна Каренина». Также вокруг звезды постоянно появляются слухи, скандалы и различные разоблачения от журналистов. Среди них информация о нетрадиционной ориентации, романах со многими известными личностями. Во многом подобные ситуации складываются из-за ее публикаций в Инстаграме.
Что публикует звезда?
Ссылка на настоящий Инстаграм Кары Делевинь — @caradelevingne. На данный момент аккаунт насчитывает более 37 миллионов фолловеров и больше 3 тысяч публикаций. Посты звезда выкладывает регулярно, поэтому всем поклонникам настоятельно рекомендуем подписаться на ее аккаунт. Также вы можете отслеживать все новости, касающиеся жизни и профессиональной деятельность девушки на других ресурсах. Вы можете найти Инстаграм Кары Делевинь на официальном сайте. Там же находятся ссылки на остальные социальные сети. В профиле в Instagram вы сможете увидеть следующее:
- несмотря на плотный рабочий график, постоянные показы и съемки, модель старается регулярно выкладывать повседневные снимки;
- также вы сможете увидеть фото из путешествий;
- на фото в Инстаграм появляется кролик Кары Делевинь.
В целом, профиль Делевинь сильно отличается от привычных страниц модельных звезд в социальных сетях. Здесь вы не увидите множество студийных фотографий, зато сможете побольше узнать про досуг и увлечения девушки.
24.12.2021 21:51:05
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Happy Holidays!! @diorbeauty #DiorHoliday #DreaminDior #ad24.12.2021 05:08:22
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Please donate if you can and share, let’s end this year making a difference23.12.2021 20:04:06
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#GIVE2GOMA (link in bio) On the 22nd of May, 2021 the Nyriagongo volcano erupted, in Goma, DR Congo, Africa. 25,000 people had their houses and their farms destroyed. Now most of them are living in makeshift tents in camps, with no electricity, very little food and not enough support; one camp with 10,000 people alone. The local government has identified 20 orphaned children, who need support and a home to live in. We are not only going to build them a home, but try to build as many homes for as many people in the camps as possible! Homes cost $8K all in with 2 bedrooms, furniture, solar electricity, showers, toilet and a living room. Let’s get as many people out of tents and into homes as possible. Thank you for supporting, we can make a difference, just share this and donate whatever you can ️ #GIVE2GOMA Big love to everyone involved so far @bellahadid @anwarspc @myaplanet9 @chakabars @vicmensa @ajamonet @tiffanyhaddish @chekothari @caradelevingne @kehlani @machelmontano @kerihilson itsjustajlove @lennykravitz 21.12.2021 15:27:00
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Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Кары Делевинь
On a grinch flex08.12.2021 05:34:38
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Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Кары Делевиньdata-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt="Кара Делевинь в Instagram - фото" data-id="2723556765205448948" onerrorimg data-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt data-id="2723556765197005652" onerrorp>07.12.2021 19:08:09
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Shot in the darkdata-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt="Кара Делевинь в Instagram - фото" data-id="2717313333893941950" onerrorimg data-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt data-id="2717313333885569515" onerrorp>29.11.2021 04:23:34
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I am in shock. My heart is broken. This man has done so much for so many people. He lived his life for creation and for others in so many ways. I only hope that with his decision to face this battle in private, that he felt and was surrounded by all the love that the world and the people close to him felt. You will never be forgotten and you will continue to inspire so many everyday. ?data-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt="Кара Делевинь в Instagram - фото" data-id="2716956256881297981" onerrorp>28.11.2021 16:34:06
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Deep breaths.13.11.2021 23:56:35
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I’m supporting @climatelive2021 who have just held youth-led concerts in 20 countries to raise awareness of the challenges faced by those on the frontlines of ecological breakdown. They are asking world leaders at COP26 #CanYouHearUsYet? You can join them by signing their petition: climatelive.org/petitiondata-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt="Кара Делевинь в Instagram - фото" data-id="2704963671784985568" onerrorp>12.11.2021 03:26:59
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Little black suit #CFDAawards12.11.2021 01:54:46
1,17 млн
Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Кары Делевинь
When Tallulah from Bugsy Malone said: “I don’t remember names but I remember faces” She spoke for the entire film, theatre and fashion industries. Each a world where the face comes first. Also after this year and so many masks, we need faces more than ever. Sitting for a close up is an intimidating thing. Think of how many people you let this close to your face. This is the kind of proximity to a face that only moisturiser, lovers, pets or estheticians get. These brave few, sit where they cannot hide and they let us hover there and watch every movement. Tonight I feel most privileged to talk about a face this year that captivated the world not only by her unique beauty but by her ability to tell a story with every eyebrow, blink, twitch, smile, and most importantly a serene yet deadly stillness. After the extraordinary performance she gave this year, she is a not only a face to remember, but the name even Tallulah would never forget. I am so lucky to know the woman behind the face and her beauty radiates as brightly when your eyes are closed. I am proud to present the CFDA’s first-ever Face of the Year Award to the face that launched a thousand shipments of chess sets, Anya Taylor-Joy. @anyataylorjoy @cfda #cfdaawards @bfadata-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt="Кара Делевинь в Instagram - фото" data-id="2696841205973356056" onerrorp>31.10.2021 22:29:05
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Hardly a costume.data-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt="Кара Делевинь в Instagram - фото" data-id="2696326253823014900" onerrorimg data-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt data-id="2696326253512622718" onerrorp>31.10.2021 05:25:59
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HAPPY HALLOWQUEENdata-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt="Кара Делевинь в Instagram - фото" data-id="2695459120612271954" onerrorimg data-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt data-id="2695459120603731404" onerrorp>30.10.2021 00:43:08
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Who wants to lock up the ? bags and save the planet?! ?♀️ Every copy of THE MOST IMPORTANT COMIC BOOK ON EARTH protects indigenous people's land and save species from extinction, forever, and it's out TODAY. Donate, share, comment, like…. every bit of support you can give @rewritingextinction helps more than you'll ever know. #COP26 #webcomics #rewritingextinction Comic by me, @ecoresolution, @dami_lee, and @paulgoodenough23.10.2021 22:08:40
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Happy birthday my dearest darling, ride or die, love you more than words. Cannot wait to be old and laughing about our memories and the good ol days even though we will still be living them. Hugging you always @margaretqualley20.10.2021 17:58:35
1,03 млн
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️?data-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt="Кара Делевинь в Instagram - фото" data-id="2683074402210235891" onerrorimg data-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt data-id="2683074401941650781" onerrorp>12.10.2021 22:36:55
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Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Кары Делевинь
Watch this space05.10.2021 03:16:27
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Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Кары Делевинь
BTS of my busy week at the @della_vite launch and MET Gala last month.01.10.2021 21:11:00
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MET prep on film30.09.2021 05:12:29
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Shark bait hoo ha hadata-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt="Кара Делевинь в Instagram - фото" data-id="2673835416221105487" onerrorp>30.09.2021 04:40:42
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Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Кары Делевинь
Under the sea Darling, it's better Down where it's wetter Take it from medata-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt="Кара Делевинь в Instagram - фото" data-id="2668353167383371214" onerrorimg data-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt data-id="2668353167114932135" onerrorp>22.09.2021 15:08:27
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@VOGUEJAPAN20.09.2021 19:37:42
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Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Кары Делевинь
A fun week launching @della_vite in ?? Link in my bio to pre-order yours.17.09.2021 18:15:13
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We’re finally launched in the US and selling out fast. Link in my bio to pre-order and follow @della_vite to see all these funny little films we made.16.09.2021 19:10:00
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Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Кары Делевинь
Prosecco is truly at the heart of our sisterhood. Or, near the heart. Maybe just under the boob. @della_vite out now in the US.data-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt="Кара Делевинь в Instagram - фото" data-id="2663476436516415277" onerrorp>15.09.2021 21:39:15
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What’s it all about Alfie?15.09.2021 16:02:20
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Finally get to share this… @della_vite is now OFFICIALLY out in the States!!! Happy US launch day to us. Link in bio for pre-order. ? Big thanks to everyone who made this the most fun shoot: Director: @samhiscox Creative Director: @sanampetri DOP: @jack_exton_ Editor: @__jackwilliams_ @the_assembly_rooms Props: @louissimonon Producer: @harryflinder_producer Hair: @kjfowles Make-up: @lisapotterdixon Stylist: @sophiegoodwindata-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt="Кара Делевинь в Instagram - фото" data-id="2662945170763694178" onerrorp>15.09.2021 04:03:43
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Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Кары Делевинь
Thanks for another epic night @voguemagazine ️?12.09.2021 20:37:16
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In honor of tomorrow’s festivities, here’s a throwback to what it’s *really* like behind-the-scenes on the way to the MET: glamorously putting my rainbow scepter accessory back together, in the back of a car, with a hot glue gun borrowed from a stranger on the street.27.08.2021 17:35:06
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Acting is... waiting #carnivalrow #setlife20.08.2021 17:12:39
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Whoever said diamonds are a girls best friend never had the right vibratordata-src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/df71gtgfx/image/upload/v1644186110/Kara-Delevin-v-Instagram-1024x334.jpg" alt="Кара Делевинь в Instagram - фото" data-id="2636685112828192540" onerrorp>09.08.2021 22:29:40
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Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Кары Делевинь
I’m giving away 10 signed, limited-edition Della Vite Magnums ??? I know lots of you really want to try @della_vite, so I wanted to open up this giveaway to ALL of you, anywhere in the world. To enter you need to: • Follow @della_vite • Like this post and tag who you’d share your Prosecco with • Share this picture to your story for a bonus entry *All entries must be of national legal drinking age Do all the above to enter and I’m going to pick 10 winners and announce them on my stories this Friday. Don’t be shy! Get taggingPhoto by @alexbramall
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