Топ британских актеров
Чарли Ханнэм
Чарли Ханнэм снимается в кино уже больше 20-ти лет. А началось все с забавного случая: талантливого парня заметили, когда он дурачился, прогуливаясь по магазинам. Так он получил свою первую роль в сериале. После этого актер успел поработать и в Америке, и у себя на родине в Великобритании. Чтобы его не воспринимали как «слишком милого и очаровательного», он всерьез занялся спортом и отрастил щетину (и стал от этого только лучше). Снимался Ханнэм у культовых режиссеров — например, дважды у самого Гая Ричи. Первый раз — в главной роли в приключенческой ленте «Меч короля Артура». Второй — в образе криминального дельца в комедии «Джентльмены», вышедшей в прокат зимой 2020-го года. Помимо съемок в фильмах, Чарли Ханнэм еще и пишет сценарии — тем более, что у него есть степень по истории и теории кино. Так, он уже продал свой сценарий к фильму о Владе Цепеше его одной из независимых киностудий. Также в планах Чарли снять ленту о цыганах, живущих в Великобритании.
Бенедикт Камбербэтч
Этот британский актер имеет богатую родословную, среди его предков был даже король Ричард III, занимавший английский престол в конце XV века. Центральной ролью в карьере Бенедикта Камбербэтча стал Шерлок Холмс в одноименном сериале BBC, однако это далеко не единственная актерская победа этого талантливого актера. Он виртуозно сыграл непризнанного гения в байопике «Игра в имитацию», перевоплотился в аморального бизнесмена в драме «Искупление» и, конечно же, блестяще справился с образом Стивена Хокинга в «Теории всего». Помимо кинопроектов Бенедикт Камбербэтч активно участвует в британских театральных постановках. В 2015 году состоялась премьера шекспировского Гамлета, в которой актер сыграл главную роль. Запись этой триумфальной постановки транслировали во многих кинотеатрах по всему миру. Талант Бенедикта Камбербэтча высоко оценила даже сама британская королева. Все в том же 2015 году Елизавета II пожаловала ему звание командора ордена Британской империи.
Хью Грант
Настоящий британский аристократ — именно так можно охарактеризовать Хью Гранта, который недавно вместе с Ханнэмом появился в «Джентльменах». В роду знаменитого актера были военные, достопочтенные сэры, политики. Сам актер изучал в Оксфорде искусствоведение, пробовал себя в литературе, но в конце концов страсть к кино перевесила все. Первой серьезной заявкой на успех стала роль в фильме «Морис», за которую актера отметили наградой Венецианского кинофестиваля. Всенародную любовь и известность Грант получил после ленты «Ноттинг Хилл». Затем был «Дневник Бриджит Джонс», где он сыграл Дэниэла Кливера — любовный интерес главной героини. Среди работ Хью немало комедийных ролей, а вот сериалов почти нет. Исключение — трехсерийный проект «Чрезвычайно английский скандал», где Грант предстал в образе политика Джереми Торпа, который из-за страсти к экзальтированному конюху поставил под угрозу свою карьеру.
Том Харди
Знакомьтесь, перед вами командор ордена Британской империи! Да, среди регалий Тома Харди действительно есть и такая. Еще он был победителем конкурса красоты, становился лауреатом и номинантом театральных и кинопремий, а один раз даже поборолся за статуэтку «Оскар». Престижную номинацию ему принесла роль второго плана в драме «Выживший», где он снимался вместе с Леонардо ДиКаприо. Ради ролей Харди шел на многое: так, для драмы о жизни заключенного «Бронсон» он набрал 19 килограммов мышечной массы! А в фильме «Легенда» Том сыграл двух братьев-близнецов, которые борются за влияние в уголовном мире Лондона 1960-х годов. В сериале «Табу», одним из создателей которого был сам Харди, актер играет искателя приключений XIX века, который решается на опасную игру ради собственных амбициозных планов. Кстати, самому Харди ходить по краю пропасти тоже приходилось: актер страдал от алкогольной и наркотической зависимостей, но в конце концов нашел силы их победить (читайте также: «Том Харди: главный психопат Голливуда»).
Джуд Лоу
50-летнему Джуду Лоу возраст к лицу: сейчас он выглядит ничуть не хуже, чем в «Талантливом мистере Рипли», вышедшем на экраны в далеком 1997 году. Роль купающегося в богатстве и внимании женщин молодого красавчика вывела Лоу в разряд звезд высшего эшелона и обеспечила ему номинации на «Оскар» и «Золотой глобус». После этого актер снимался и в Великобритании, и в Голливуде. Самые яркие фильмы с его участием — «Лондонские псы», «Холодная гора», «Близость», «Шерлок Холмс», «Отель „Гранд Будапешт“». Из занятного — лента Стивена Содерберга «Заражение». В ней врачи борются (и весьма правдоподобно) с таинственным вирусом, захватившим мир. Ну а из последних ролей Джуда Лоу самая впечатляющая — роль Пия XIII в проектах Паоло Соррентино «Молодой Папа» или «Новый Папа». Эти сериалы позволили всем поклонникам актера еще раз убедиться — он в великолепной форме! Кстати, слово «папа» применимо и к реальной жизни Джуда Лоу: у него есть шестеро детей.
Эд Вествик
35-летний Эд Вествик прославился благодаря роли в американском подростковом сериале «Сплетница». На съемочную площадку он пришел в 20 лет и весьма убедительно сыграл красавчика и стилягу Чака Басса. После участия в проекте актеру не раз приходилось доказывать, что он не так похож на своего героя, как многим показалось: например, в отличие от Чака он куда меньше уделяет внимания собственному стилю в одежде. Это, впрочем, не мешает Вествику успешно сотрудничать с брендами — например, с американским производителем спортивной обуви K-Swiss. После «Сплетницы» Эд появился в телепроекте «Злой город», а также снялся в сериале «Большой куш». Большое кино, кажется, еще ждет ярких ролей Вествика, а вот светская хроника не отпускает его со своих страниц, — например, все активно обсуждали расставание актера с моделью Джессикой Серфати.
Дэниел Крэйг
Начиная карьеру в кино, Дэниел Крэйг вряд ли думал, что ему предстоит сыграть одного из культовых спецагентов — Джеймса Бонда. Сначала он довольствовался небольшими ролями на британском телевидении. И только в возрасте 33 лет удача улыбнулась ему по-настоящему: Крэйг снялся в ленте «Лара Крофт: расхитительница гробниц» вместе с Анджелиной Джоли. После этого ему стали поступать еще более заманчивые предложения — актер появился в драме «Проклятый путь» Сэма Мендеса и в триллере Стивена Спилберга «Мюнхен». Когда Дэниел был выбран на роль агента 007, это стало настоящим сюрпризом, и не для всех приятным. Многие поклонники «бондианы» сочли Крэйга не слишком привлекательным и харизматичным для этой роли. Но несмотря на это он появился в четырех фильмах о Джеймсе Бонде (читайте также: «Лицензия на любовь: все девушки последнего Джеймса Бонда»). Из относительно свежих работ Крэйга — роль частного детектива Бенуа Бланка в ленте «Достать ножи: Стеклянная луковица» — второй части фильма, вышедшего на экраны в 2019-м году. С личной жизнью у Дэниела все стабильно: уже больше 10 лет он женат на британской актрисе, лауреатке «Оскара» Рэйчел Вайс («Фаворитка»), вместе с которой воспитывает общую дочь Эллу.
Клайв Оуэн
Путь к славе Клайва Оуэна, актера с магнетическим взглядом, не был легким. Начинал он в театре, играл в шекспировских пьесах. Затем снимался в телепроектах — бурной славы не снискал, но продюсерам запомнился. Первая его работа в кино была в далеком 1991 году, но фильм «Закрой мои глаза» провалился в прокате. Клайв болезненно переживал неудачу и на пару лет вовсе отказался от съемок. Удача повернулась к нему в 1997-м, когда драма «Склонность», в которой он принимал участие, покорила жюри Каннского кинофестиваля. После этого были «Король Артур», «Близость», «Город грехов» — и Оуэн вошел в первую десятку востребованных британских актеров. Одним из самых заметных в его карьере стал криминальный детектив Спайка Ли «Не пойман — не вор», в котором его герой Далтон Рассел организовал хитроумное ограбление банка. Такое, во время которого не пропало и доллара! Среди последних ярких работ актера стала драма «Три секунды» о бывшем заключенном, который решился сотрудничать с ФБР, и сериал «Американская история преступлений», в которой Оуэн сыграл экс-президента США Билла Клинтона.
Джейсон Стэйтем
В соцсетях Джейсона Стэйтема более 20 млн подписчиков, и актер регулярно радует их своими фотографиями со съемок и не только. Многие снимки позволяют оценить отличную спортивную форму актера, и это неслучайно. С детства Стэйтем занимается боевыми искусствами, и увлекается джиу-джитсу. Более того, на протяжении 12-ти лет будущий актер входил в состав национальной сборной Великобритании по прыжкам в воду! Впрочем, в его детстве был не только спорт: в одном из интервью актер рассказывал, что ему приходилось подрабатывать торговлей на улице. В актерской карьере Стэйтема не последнюю роль сыграл Гай Ричи. Актер снялся в трех его лентах — «Карты, деньги, два ствола», «Большой куш» и «Револьвер». Роль в первом фильме он получил благодаря совпадению: Джейсон снимался в рекламе, и владелец рекламной фирмы, знакомый с Ричи, порекомендовал тому талантливого и симпатичного парня. Кроме того, Стэйтем уже вошел в историю кино как участник саги «Форсаж». Его можно увидеть, например, в эпизоде франшизы «Форсаж: Хоббс и Шоу», вышедшем на экраны в 2019 году. Можно порадоваться не только за профессиональную, но и личную жизнь Стэйтема: актер уже много лет счастлив с супермоделью Роузи Хантингтон-Уайтли, одной из «ангелов» Victoria’s Secret (читайте также: «Тяга к прекрасному: все любимые женщины Джейсона Стейтема»).
Люк Эванс
Брутальный валлиец Люк Эванс, известный по ролям Гастона в «Красавице и чудовище», Кларенса Маккласки в исторической драме «Мидуэй» и лучника Барда в фильмах о Хоббите, решил стать актером еще в 16 лет. Чтобы оплатить уроки актерского мастерства, он вместе с отцом работал на стройке и продавал обувь в магазине. Как и многие его британские коллеги, начал с театральных постановок, а в конце 2000-х впервые попробовал себя в кино. Сейчас в его фильмографии больше двух десятков фильмов, причем среди них есть и фэнтези, и триллеры, и комедии.
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топ британских актеров
Thomas Stanley Holland known as Tom Holland is an English actor. He was born on 1 June 1996 in Kingston in Thames, United Kingdom. His debut was on the London stage. It was in the title role of Billy Elliot the Musical at the West End theatre. It hails from 2008 to 2010. His next one was the film The Impossible.
He achieved a wide appreciation for acting as the Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe superhero films. He won the BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) rising star award for the year in 2017.
Worked in many successful films like…
- Captain America: Civil War (2016),
- The Impossible (2012),
- Spider-Man: Far from Home 2019,
- The Lost City of Z (2017),
- Avengers: Endgame (2019),
- Avengers: Infinity War (2018) etc.
2 Jason Statham
Jason Statham was born on 26th July 1967. He is an English actor. He also produced many films too. In most of the films, he portrayed villain roles. Acted in many action movies, he played roles that were strong and tough characters. His debut was in the Guy Ritchie crime films, Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) and Snatch (2000).
Male British actors Jason’s action-thriller films include
- The Italian Job (2003), Crank (2006),
- War (2007),
- The Bank Job (2008),
- The Mechanic (2011),
- Spy (2015), and
- Mechanic: Resurrection (2016) etc.
He also received a lot of criticism for his actions.
3 Henry Cavill
Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill is the full name of Henry Cavil. He was born on 5th May 1983. He is a British actor. Cavill made his movie debut in Laguna (2001)and also Kevin Reynold’s rendition of The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).
His well-known characters include Charles Brandon in Showtime’s The Tudors (2007–2010), DC Comics character Superman in the DC Extended Universe, and Geralt of Rivia in the Netflix fantasy series The Witcher (2019–present). Also Sherlock Holmes in the Netflix film Enola Holmes (2020).
Famous British Actor Cavill resumed his acting career with roles in
- BBC’s The Inspector Lynley Mysteries (2002),
- In the television film Goodbye,
- Mr. Chips (2002), and
- The BBC’s Midsomer Murders (2003).
4 Tom Hiddleston
Thomas William Hiddleston is the full name of Tom Hiddleston. He was born on 9 February 1981. Tom is an English actor. His first film debut was in the drama Unrelated in the year 2007.
Famous English actor Tom has received numerous awards. It mainly comprises of Golden Globe Award and a Laurence Olivier Award, as well as Tony Award, British Academy Film Award, and two Primetime Emmy Award nominations. In Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), he played Loki. Others include
- Thor (2011),
- The Avengers (2012),
- Thor: The Dark World (2013),
- Thor: Ragnarok (2017),
- Avengers: Infinity War (2018),
- Avengers: Endgame (2019) and
- The Disney series Loki (2021).
5 Tom Ellis
Thomas John Ellis is the full name of Tom Ellis. He was born on 17th November 1978. He is a Welsh actor. His debut is in the television series “Kiss Me, Kate”. His character’s name is Ben.
In 2001, his debut in movies took place called High Heels and Low Lifes. His best-known work is Lucifer Morningstar in the Netflix series Lucifer. His other series include
- Arrowverse,
- Miranda, Rush,
- The Fades, Merlin,
- Accused,
- Sugar town etc.
British Actor Thomas’s films include Buffalo Soldiers, I’ll Be There, Vera Drake, The Best man, Misconception, etc.
6 Rowan Atkinson
Rowan Sebastian Atkinson is the full name of Rowan Atkinson. He was born on 6th January 1955. He is an English actor, comedian, and writer. Famous English actors Rowan is famous for his sitcoms Blackadder and Mr. Bean. His debut is in the BBC sketch comedy show Not the Nine O’Clock News. For this performance, he received the 1981 BAFTA for Best Entertainment Performance. His other work includes
- The Secret Policeman’s Ball (1979),
- the James Bond film Never Say Never Again (1983),
- Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994),
- Love Actually (2003),
- BBC sitcom The Thin Blue Line (1995–1996).
- His work in theatre includes West End(2009). etc
7 Tom Hardy
Edward Thomas Hardy is the full name of Tom Hardy. He was born on 15th September 1977. He is an English actor, producer, and former model. After studying acting at the Drama Centre London, he made his film debut in Ridley Scott’s Black Hawk Down (2001).
Famous English actor Tom Hardy had been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, two Critics’ Choice Movie Awards, and two British Academy Film Awards. He also received the 2011 BAFTA Rising Star Award. His films include
- Star Trek: Nemesis (2002),
- RocknRolla (2008),
- Bronson (2008),
- Warrior (2011),
- Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011),
- Lawless (2012),
- This Means War (2012),
- Locke (2013),
- The Drop (2014), and
- The Revenant.
8 Asa Butterfield
Asa Bopp Farr Butterfield is the full name of Asa Butterfield an English actor. He was born on 1st April 1997. He got nominated for two Critics’ Choice Awards, two Saturn Awards, and three Young Artist Awards. As a child artist, he started his career.
Famous English actors Asa Butterfield’s debut film is Son of Rambow. He received recognition for the film The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008).
His work includes Hugo (2011), Ender’s Game (2013), X Y (2014), and Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (2016). He is also part of the Netflix comedy-drama series Sex Education.
9 Orlando Bloom
Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Copeland Bloom is the full name of Orlando Bloom. He was born on 13th January 1977. He is an English actor.
Famous English actors Bloom’s debut was in the film Wilde where he played the role of a rentboy. He got recognition through the characters in The Lord of the Rings and the Pirates of the Caribbean. He had received many awards.
His works include The Three Musketeers, The Bling Ring, Romeo, and Juliet, Digging for fire, Romans, The outpost, etc.
10 Idris Elba
Idrissa Akuna Elba is the full name of Idris Elba. He is born on 6th September 1972. He is an English actor, producer, and musician.
Famous English actor Idris Elba’s debut in the television series 2 points 4 children. He is famous for acting including Stringer Bell in the HBO series The Wire, DCI John Luther in the BBC One series Luther, and Nelson Mandela in the biographical film Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (2013).
Got nominated four times for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor –Miniseries or Television Film, winning one. Also nominated five times for a Primetime Emmy Award.
Keep Watching – Famous British Actors name list with image 2023 | British Male actors English Actor
11 Rupert Grint
Rupert Alexander Lloyd Grint is the full name of Rupert Grint. He was born on 24 August 1988. He is an English actor.
Famous English actors Rupert’s debut is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. His role as Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter films gained him recognition. He is part of almost all Harry Potter films, especially from 2001 to 2011. He is also part of television series.
His works include Sick note, Snatch, Driving Lessons, CherryBomb, Wild target, Moonwalkers, Cross of Honour, etc.
12 James McAvoy
James McAvoy is a Scottish actor born on 21 April 1979. His debut as an actor is The near Room (1995). His famous television work includes the Thriller State of Play and the science fiction miniseries Frank Herbert’s Children of Dune.
Famous English actors have acted in many West End productions. He has also received four nominations for the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actor. James has given voice for animated films like Gnomeo Juliet, its sequel Sherlock Gnomes and Arthur Christmas.
Some of his works include Dark Phoenix, Deadpool 2, Glass, Submergence, Watership down, Saturday night live, etc.
13 Daniel Radcliffe
Daniel Jacob Radcliffe is the full name of Daniel Radcliffe an English Actor. He was born on 23 July 1989. Daniel is famous for his role as Harry Potter in the series Harry Potter. He has received numerous awards and nominations for this role.
Famous English actors Daniel’s acting debut was at the age of 10. It was in the BBC One television film David Copperfield (1999), followed by his feature film debut in The Tailor of Panama (2001). In the same year, he acted in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. His role as Harry potter gained him worldwide recognition and a lot of fans.
14 Sam Claflin
Samuel George Claflin is the full name of Sam Claflin an English Actor. He was born on 27 June 1986. In 2009, He graduated from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art and made his acting debut on television. His debut film role is Philip Swift in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011).
Claflin gets recognition over the art world for playing Finnick Odair in The Hunger Games film series (2013–2015). Also for the romantic comedy me before you (2016). He had acted in films like Adrift (2018) and The Nightingale (2018). He performed Oswald Mosley in the television series Peaky Blinders (2019) and Mycroft Holmes in the mystery film Enola Holmes (2020).
15 Kit Harington
Christopher Catesby “Kit” Harington is the full name of Kit Harington an English Actor. He was born on 26 December 1986. After he studied at the Royal Central School of Speech Drama he made his acting debut with West End play War Horse at the National Theatre. In that, he played the lead role of Albert Narracott.
His acting roles include Pompeii (2014), Testament of Youth (2014), Brimstone (2016), Seventh Son(2014), etc. He had given voice to Eret in the How to Train Your Dragon film series.
Keep Watching – Famous British Actors name list with image 2023 | British Male actors English Actor
16 Anthony Hopkins
Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins is the full name of Anthony Hopkins. He was born on 31 December 1937. He is a Welsh actor. Also a film director and producer. He has received many awards including two Academy Awards for Best Actor, four BAFTAs, two Emmys, the Cecil B. DeMille Award, and a British Academy Television Award.
In 1993, he was honored by Queen Elizabeth II for his services to the arts. He had received accolades like a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2003 and the BAFTA Fellowship for lifetime achievement from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts in 2008.
17 Ricky Gervais
Ricky Dene Gervais is the full name of Ricky Gervais an English actor, comedian, director, and writer. He was born on 25th June 1961. He is best known for acting in the British television mockumentary sitcom The Office (2001–2003).
Ricky has won seven BAFTA Awards, five British Comedy Awards, two Emmy Awards, three Golden Globe Awards, and the Rose d’Or twice (2006 and 2019), as well as a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination.
His works include The Little Prince, Special Correspondents, Escape from Planet Earth, The Muppets, The Unbelievers, etc.
18 Richard Madden
Richard Madden was born on 18 June 1986. He is a Scottish actor. He was born in Elderslie near Glasgow. His acting debut was in Complicity in 2000. His role as Robb Stark in the series Game of Thrones gained him recognition.
Madden played Prince Kit in the romantic fantasy film Cinderella(2015). He had won Golden Globe Award for his performance in the series Bodyguard. He had also acted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe superhero film Eternals. In 2019, he was one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time.
19 Gerard Butler
Gerard James Butler is the full name of Gerard Butler. He was born on 13 November 1969. He is a Scottish actor and film producer. In the initial days he acted in small roles in Mrs. Brown (1997), the James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), and Tale of the Mummy (1998). He gained a Satellite Award nomination for Best Actor for the role of Erik in the film Phantom. His works include Septembers of Shiraz (2015), Gods of Egypt(2016), London Has Fallen(2016), Geostorm(2017), Angel has Fallen ( 2019), Greenland(2020), etc.
20 Jamie Dornan
James Peter Maxwell Dornan the full name of Jamie Dornan is an English Actor, model, and musician. He was born on 1 May 1982 in Northern Ireland. He has won two Irish Film and Television Awards and was nominated for a BAFTA Television Award.
Jamie Dornan started his acting in 2006. He gained recognition for playing Sheriff Graham Humbert in the series Once Upon a Time (2011–2013) and serial killer Paul Spector in the crime drama series The Fall (2013–2016). He had won many awards.
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21 Kevin McKidd
Kevin McKidd is a Scottish actor, he was born on 9 August 1973. Also a television director and a singer. He gained recognition for playing the role of Owen Hunt in Grey’s Anatomy.
Actor Kevin McKidd played roles like Tommy Mackenzie in Danny Boyle’s Trainspotting (1996), Count Vronsky in the BBC miniseries Anna Karenina (2000), and Lucius Vorenus in the historical drama series Rome (2005–2007), and Dan Vasser in the NBC series Journeyman (2007). He voiced the character John “Soap” MacTavish in the video games Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
22 Jack Whitehall
Jack Peter Benedict Whitehall is the full name of Jack Whitehall an English actor. He was born on 7 July 1988. Also a comedian, presenter, and writer. He gained recognition for acting as JP in the series Fresh Meat (2011–2016) and Alfie Wickers in the series Bad Education (2012–2014) and its spin-off film The Bad Education Movie (2015).
English Actor is the host of the BRIT Awards. He and his father acted together in the Netflix comedy documentary series Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father in 2017. He is also a panelist on a game show.
23 Paul Bettany
Paul Bettany is an English actor and he was born on 27 May 1971. He gained recognition for playing J.A.R.V.I.S. / Vision in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Iron Man (2008), Iron Man 2 (2010), The Avengers (2012), Iron Man 3 (2013), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016), and Avengers: Infinity War (2018).
He also portrayed the character in two Disney series: the miniseries WandaVision (2021) and the animated series What If…? (2021). For the former one, he was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie.
24 John Boyega
John Adedayo Bamidele Adegboyega the full name of John Boyega is an English actor and producer. He was born on 17 March 1992. He rose to fame for his role as Moses in the sci-fi comedy film Attack the Block (2011).
English Actor Boyega gained international attention with his role as Finn in the Star Wars sequel trilogy films The Force Awakens (2015), The Last Jedi (2017), and The Rise of Skywalker (2019). His other famous works include the drama film Imperial Dreams (2014), the historical drama film Detroit (2017), the science fiction film Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018), and four episodes of the television series 24: Live Another Day.
25 Wentworth Miller
Wentworth Earl Miller III the full name of Wentworth Miller is an American-British actor. His other name is Ted Foulke. He was born on June 2, 1972. He is also a screenwriter.
Miller gained recognition for his role as Michael Scofield in the Fox series Prison Break. For this character, he received a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Television Series Drama in 2005. His debut as a screenwriter was in the thriller film Stoker in 2013.
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26 Dominic Purcell
Dominic Haakon Myrtved Purcell is the full name of Dominic Purcell a British-Australian actor. He was born on 17 February 1970. He is widely known for his characters of Lincoln Burrows in Fox’s Prison Break (2005–2009; 2017) and Mick Rory / Heat Wave in The CW’s The Flash (2014–2016) and Legends of Tomorrow (2016–present), as well as Drake / Dracula in Blade: Trinity (2004). Purcell produced movies like Three way and Balibo. Movies include The Bag Man, A Fighting Man, Officer Down, Assault on Wall Street, etc.
27 Ian McKellen
Sir Ian Murray McKellen the full name of Ian McKellen is an English actor. He was born on 25 May 1939. He has done six decades in the acting and had performed in almost all types of genres from Shakespearean and modern theatre to popular fantasy and science fiction.
English Actor Ian McKellen had received many awards including seven Laurence Olivier Awards, a Tony Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award. He has also received nominations for two Academy Awards, five Primetime Emmy Awards, and four BAFTAs. He received global recognition for roles like the titular King in Richard III(1995), James Whale in Gods and Monsters (1998), Magneto in the X-Men films, and Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies.
28 David Walliams
David Edward Williams the full name of David Walliams is an English actor. He was born on 20 August 1971. Also a comedian, writer, and television personality. He is widely known for his work in the comedy series Rock Profile (1999–2000, 2009), Little Britain (2003–2007), and Come Fly With Me (2010–2011). Since 2012, he is also a judge of the television talent show competition Britain’s Got Talent on ITV. He also writes books for Children. Around 37 million copies of the books had been sold out.
29 Patrick Stewart
Sir Patrick Stewart is the full name of Patrick Stewart an English actor. He was born on 13 July 1940. His career has evolved over six decades. He had laid his hands on stage, television, film, and video games. He has been nominated for Olivier, Tony, Golden Globe, Emmy, Screen Actors Guild, and Saturn Awards. His career started when he was a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company. He received the 1979 Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. This was for his performance in Antony and Cleopatra in the West End.
30 Danny Dyer
Danial John Dyer is the full name of Danny Dyer. He was born on 24 July 1977. He is an English actor and presenter. Dyer gained recognition for his role as Moff in Human Traffic, with other notable roles as Billy the Limpet in Mean Machine and Tommy Johnson in The Football Factory. Followed by this role he was typecasted in “hardman” roles like the Real Football Factories, its spin-off, The Real Football Factories International, and Danny Dyer’s Deadliest Men. He is also a theatre artist and had worked in three plays written by Harold Pinter.
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31 Henry Golding
Henry Ewan Golding is the full name of Henry Golding. He was born on 5 February 1987. He is a British-Malaysian actor. Also a model, and television host. Till 2014, he was the host of BBC’s The Travel Show. He gained recognition for playing the role of Nick Young in Crazy Rich Asians, the title character in the action-adventure Snake Eyes, Sean Townsend in the thriller A Simple Favor, and Tom in the romantic comedy Last Christmas. The last two films are directed by Paul Feig.
32 Nicholas Hoult
Nicholas Caradoc Hoult is the full name of Nicholas Hoult works in both American and British film industries. He was born on 7 December 1989. He does supporting work in big-budget film productions and also starring roles in some independent projects. Famous British Actor Hoult has been nominated for awards such as a British Academy Film Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award. He started acting at a young age and appeared in local theatre productions.
33 Sacha Baron Cohen
Sacha Noam Baron Cohen is the full name of Sacha Baron Cohen an English actor, comedian, writer, and producer. He was born on 13 October 1971. He is widely known for the portrayal of the fictional satirical characters Ali G, Borat Sagdiyev, Brüno Gehard, and Admiral General Aladeen. For the character Ali G, At the 2012 British Comedy Awards, he received the Outstanding Achievement Award. Also, he has received the BAFTA Charlie Chaplin Britannia Award for Excellence in Comedy in 2013.
34 Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Thomas Brodie-Sangster was born on 16 May 1990. He is also known as Thomas Sangster and is an English actor. He is widely known for playing Sam in Love Actually (2003), Simon in Nanny McPhee (2005), Ferb in Phineas and Ferb (2007–2015), Jojen Reed in Game of Thrones (2013–2014), Newt in the Maze Runner film series (2014–2018), and Benny Watts in the Netflix miniseries The Queen’s Gambit (2020). For the latter one, he was nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie.
35 Thomas Felton
Thomas Andrew Felton is the full name of Thomas Felton an English actor and musician. He was born on 22 September 1987. He gained recognition for his role as Draco Malfoy in the film adaptations of the best-selling Harry Potter fantasy novels by J. K. Rowling. At the beginning of his career, he acted in many commercials. He made his debut in the role of Peagreen Clock in The Borrowers (1997). He played Louis T. Leonowens in Anna and the King (1999). This was before he was cast in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001).
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36 Freddie Highmore
Alfred Thomas Highmore the full name of Freddie Highmore is an English actor. He was born on 14 February 1992. His debut was in the comedy film Women Talking Dirty (1999). He is known for his impressive roles in the films Finding Neverland (2004), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005), August Rush (2007), and The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008). He won two consecutive Critics’ Choice Movie Awards for Best Young Performer. Highmore acted as Norman Bates in the drama-thriller series Bates Motel(2013–2017). For this performance, he was nominated three times for the Critics’ Choice Television Award for Best Actor in a Drama Series and won a People’s Choice Award.
37 Robert Pattinson
Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson is the full name of Robert Pattinson an English actor. He was born on 13 May 1986. Robert is one of the world’s highest-paid actors. He had acted in many films including big-budget and independent films. He is on the list of 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine. Also, he has been featured on the Forbes Celebrity 100 list. His debut was through the fantasy film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005).
38 Riz Ahmed
Rizwan Ahmed is the full name of Riz Ahmed. He was born on 1 December 1982. He is a British actor and rapper. As an actor he has won many awards like the Primetime Emmy award, the national board of review award for best actor, the independent spirit award for best male lead, the London film critics’ circle award for British actor of the year, and received nominations for an academy award, two golden globe awards, two Emmy awards, two screen actors guild awards, and three British independent film awards.
He is known to his audience for work in films such as The Road to Guantanamo (2006), Shifty (2008), Four Lions (2010), Trishna (2011), Ill Manors (2012), and The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2013), as well as television series such as Britz (2007) and Dead Set (2008).
39 Dan Stevens
Daniel Jonathan Stevens is the full name of Daniel Stevens. He was born on 10 October 1982. He is a famous English actor.
Famous English actor Stevens acted as David in the thriller film The Guest (2014), Sir Lancelot in the adventure film Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (2014), beauty and the Beast (2017), Lorin Willis in the biographical legal drama Marshall (2017), Charles Dickens in the biographical drama The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017) and Russian Eurovision singer Alexander Lemtov in Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020). His Netflix horror-thriller includes Apostle.
40 Stephen Fry
Stephen John Fry is an English actor. He was born on 24 August 1957. He is also a broadcaster, comedian, director, and writer. Fry’s important roles include Wilde (1997). For this acting, he was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor.
Famous English actor Fry, other works include Inspector Thompson in Robert Altman’s murder mystery Gosford Park (2001); and Mr. Johnson in Whit Stillman’s Love Friendship (2016). His major works include Chariots of Fire (1981), A Fish Called Wanda (1988), The Life and Death of Peter Sellers (2004), V for Vendetta (2005), Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011), and The Hobbit film series.
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41 Charlie Hunnam
Charles Matthew Hunnam is the full name of Charlie Hunnam. He was born on 10 April 1980. He is an English actor and screenwriter.
Famous British actor Hunnam gained worldwide recognition for his role as Jackson “Jax” Teller on the FX series Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014). For this acting, he was twice nominated for the Critics’ Choice Television Award for Best Actor.
His famous films include Nicholas Nickleby (2002), Green Street (2005), Pacific Rim (2013), Crimson Peak (2015), The Lost City of Z (2016), King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017), Triple Frontier and The Gentlemen (both in 2019).
42 Simon Pegg
Simon John Pegg is the full name of Simon Pegg. He was born on 14 February 1970. He is one of the most famous English actors. Also, he works as a comedian, screenwriter, and producer.
His recognized work includes the Three Flavours Cornetto film trilogy: Shaun of the Dead (2004), Hot Fuzz (2007), and The World’s End (2013). In this work, he co-wrote and acted. Also, he wrote and starred in the sci-fi film Paul (2011). He had acted in many popular supporting characters. He is a very good actor with many good performances.
43 Daniel Kaluuya
Daniel Kaluuya was born on 24 February 1989. He is a British actor and writer. Kaluuya began his acting career in improvisational theatre as a teenager. He then went on to play Posh Kenneth in the first two seasons of Skins, as well as co-writing several of the episodes.
Famous British actor Kaluuya won both the Evening Standard Award and the Critics’ Circle Theatre Award for Outstanding Newcomer for his leading performance in Sucker Punch at the Royal Court Theatre in London. He won the BAFTA Rising Star Award in 2018.
44 Andrew Garfield
Andrew Russell Garfield is an English-American actor and Film Producer.
He made his feature-film debut in Lions for Lambs. Never Let Me Go, Spider-Man Series, Hacksaw Ridge, and Silence are some of his other well-known works.
Garfield was born on 20th August 1983, in Los Angeles, California. His parents are Richard Garfield and Lynn Garfield.
British male actors Garfield’s height is 5’9” and he is 74kgs by weight. His eye color is Dark Brown and his hair color is Dark Brown. His net worth is $13 million.
45 Alfred Enoch
Alfred Lewis Enoch is the full name of Alfred Enoch a British actor. He was born on 2 December 1988. He is famous for playing Dean Thomas in the Harry Potter film series and Wes Gibbins on the ABC legal drama television series How to Get Away with Murder.
British male actors Enoch’s other films include Coriolanus, Timon of Athens, Antigone, Happy New, and The Seagull. He had acted in seven of the eight Harry Potter films. He also voiced the character in video games.
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46 Theo James
Theodore Peter James Kinnaird Taptiklis is the full name of Theo James. He was born on 16 December 1984. He is an English actor and producer.
British male actor Theo James is known for acting as Tobias “Four” Eaton in The Divergent Series film trilogy. He has also acted in the crime drama series Golden Boy (2013), the horror films Underworld: Awakening (2012) and Underworld: Blood Wars (2016), the action film How It Ends (2018), and most recently in the sci-fi Indie film Archive (2020). He also had touched his hands in music, production, and direction.
47 Christian Bale
Christian Charles Philip Bale is the full name of Christian Bale, was an English Actor and Hollywood actor, he is also called Chris. He began his acting career with the Television series “Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna” in 1986 and his film debut is “Mio in the Land of Faraway” in 1987. He is popularly known for the role of Batman Begins in 2005, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises.
Famous English actor Christian Bale was born on 30 January 1974 in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales. His father David Bale is an Entrepreneur and his Mother Janny James and has three sisters Louise Bale [actress], Sharon Bale, and Erin Bale. He Married Sibbi Blazc in 2000 and they have 2 children.
The height of Christain Bale is 6.0 feet [183 cm] with an average weight of 80 kgs, Hazel Brown and Dark brown are the eye and hair colors respectively. Christian Bale is a net worth of $80 Million, who was the richest actor in the world in 2021?
48 Sean Bean
Shaun Mark Bean is the full name of Sean Bean. Sean Bean was born on 17 April 1959. He is a famous English actor. Famous British actor Bean’s film roles include Patriot Games (1992), GoldenEye (1995), Ronin (1998), The Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001–2003), Equilibrium (2002), National Treasure (2004), Odysseus in Troy (2004), Flightplan (2005), North Country (2005), The Island (2005), Silent Hill (2006), Black Death (2010), Jupiter Ascending (2015), and The Martian (2015).
His television roles include the BBC anthology series Accused, Broken, Game of Thrones, and the ITV historical drama series Henry VIII and Legends.
49 Andy Serkis
Andrew Clement Serkis is an English actor, producer, and director. He began his career as an actor in the television series Morris Minor and His Marvellous Motors. Lord of the Rings Trilogy, King Kong, Planet of the Apes Reboot Series, The Adventures of Tin Tin, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Films, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Black Panther, and The Batman are some of his other well-known works.
Famous British actor Serkis was born on 20th April 1964, in Ruislip Manor, Ruislip, United Kingdom. His parents are Clement Serkis and Lylie Serkis.
His height is 5’6” and he is 75kg by weight. Serkis’s eye color is Blue and his hair color is Black. His net worth is $35 million.
50 Kiefer Sutherland
Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland is the full name of Keifer Sutherland who is a British-Canadian actor.
He acted in a Drama series called The Bay Boy which gained him great fame and moved to Los Angeles after that.
Famous British actor Kiefer was born on 21st December 1966 in Paddington, London, England in the UK. His parents are Donald Sutherland and Shirley Douglas.
His height is 5’7″ and 70kg in weight. Keifer Sutherland’s eyes are blue and his hair is Light Brown. His new worth is $110million.
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51 David Tennant
David Tennant is a Scottish actor. He rose to fame for his role as the tenth incarnation of the Doctor in the BBC sci-fi series Doctor Who. David’s acting debut was in an anti-smoking film made by the Glasgow Health Board. He has also appeared in numerous movies and tv series Strathblair, Takin’ Over the Asylum, Jude, Romeo and Juliet, The Pillowman, The Merchant of Venice, Harry Potter, and the Goblet of Fire, The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!, Mad to Be Normal, Around the world in 80 days, Bad Samaritan, How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, and The Loud House Movie.
Roberts was born on April 18, 1971, in Bathgate, West Lothian, Scotland. His height is 6 feet 1 inch, weight is 80kg, hair color, and eye color is Dark Brown. His net worth is $7 million.
52 Daniel Day-Lewis
Sir Daniel Michael Blake Day-Lewis is a retired English actor. He is well known for his roles in Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, The Bounty, My Beautiful Laundrette, A Room with a View, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, My Left Foot, The Last of the Mohicans, In the Name of the Father, The Age of Innocence, The Boxer, Gangs of New York, Those Will Be Blood, Lincoln, and Phantom Thread.
Day-Lewis was born on April 29, 1957, in London, England. His height is 6 feet 1/2 inches, weight is 79kg, hair color is brown and eye color is blue. His net worth is $60 million.
53 Hugh Bonneville
Hugh Bonneville is an English actor. He is best known for portraying Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham in the ITV historical drama series Downton Abbey. He also appeared in the films Notting Hill, Iris, The Monuments Men, The Alchemist, The Commander, Burke and Hare, The Hotel, Thomas Friends, Paddington, and Paddington 2.
Bonneville was nominated for Golden Globes, two consecutive Primetime Emmy Award nominations as well as three Screen Actors Guild Awards.
Bonneville was born on November 10, 1963, in Paddington, London, England. His height is 6 feet 2 inches, weight is 68kg, his hair color is black and his eye color is blue. His net worth is $8 million.
54 Andrew Lincoln
Andrew James Clutterbuck, known professionally as Andrew Lincoln, is an English actor. His first major role was as the character Egg in the BBC drama This Life. Lincoln acted in other movies like Teachers, Love, Afterlife, The Walking Dead, These Foolish Things, Hey Good Looking!, Heartbreaker, Made in Dagenham, Robot Chicken, Fear the Walking Dead, and Penguin Bloom. He won the Saturn Award for Best Actor on Television for his portrayal of Rick Grimes.
Lincoln was born on September 14, 1973, in London, England. His height is 5 feet 10 inches, weight is 64kg, hair color is light brown and eye color is blue. His net worth is $16 million.
55 Gary Oldman
Gary Leonard Oldman is an English actor and filmmaker. He has received various accolades, including an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, and three British Academy Film Awards. He made his film debut in Remembrance. Cabaret, Romeo and Juliet, Entertaining Mr. Sloane, Saved, The Country Wife, Hamlet, Harry Potter, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Darkest Hour, and Mank.
Oldman was born on March 21, 1958, in London, England. His height is 5 feet 7 inches, weight is 72kg, hair color is light brown and eye color is blue. His net worth is $40 million.
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56 John Cleese
John Marwood Cleese is an English actor, comedian, screenwriter, and producer. He first achieved success at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and as a scriptwriter and performer on The Frost Report.
Cleese has appeared in films like Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Life of Brian, The Meaning of Life, A Fish Called Wanda, Fierce Creatures, Harry Potter, Shrek, and The Secret Policeman’s Ball.
Cleese was born on October 27, 1939, in Weston-super-Mare, England. His height is 6 feet 55 inches, his weight is 92kg, his hair color is dark brown and his eye color is hazel. His net worth is $20 million
57 Christopher Eccleston
Christopher Eccleston is an English actor. He is a two-time BAFTA Award nominee for his television and film work. He has appeared in numerous films like Let Him Have It, Shallow Grave, Hillsborough, Our Friends in the North, Jude, A Price Above Rubies, Elizabeth, eXistenZ, Gone in 60 Seconds, The Invisible Circus, The Others, 24 Hour Party People, 28 Days Later, The Second Coming, The Shadow Line, Blackout, Lucan, Safe House, The Leftovers, and Thor: The Dark World.
Eccleston was born February 16, 1964, in Salford, Lancashire, England. His height is 6 feet, weight is 82kg, hair color is brown and eye color is green. His net worth is $6 million.
58 Warwick Davis
Warwick Ashley Davis is an English actor, comedian, filmmaker, and television presenter. He played the title character in Willow and the Leprechaun film series, several characters in the Star Wars film series, most notably the Ewok Wicket, and Professor Filius Flitwick and Griphook in the Harry Potter film series. Davis published his autobiography, Size Matters Not: The Extraordinary Life and Career of Warwick Davis. Davis is also the founder of Reduced Height Theater Company, which stages theatrical productions cast exclusively with short actors and uses reduced height sets. Their first production was See How They Run.
Davis was born on February 3, 1970, in Epsom, Surrey, England. His height is 3 feet 6 inches, weight is 55kg, hair color is light brown and eye color is green. His net worth is $10 million.
59 Eddie Redmayne
Edward John David Redmayne is an English actor. He began his professional acting career in West End theater. He has received various accolades, including an Academy Award, a Tony Award, a Golden Globe Award, a British Academy Film Award, and two Laurence Olivier Awards. Actor Eddie has starred in numerous films like Like Minds, The Good Shepherd, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, Red, Richard II, My Week with Marilyn, Les Misérables, The Theory of Everything, The Danish Girl, and Fantastic Beasts film series.
Redmayne was born on January 6, 1982, in London, England. His height is 5 feet 11 inches, weight is 76kg, hair color is ginger and eye color is green. His net worth is $15 million.
60 Daniel Craig
Daniel Wroughton Craig is an English actor. He made his film debut in the drama The Power of One. Actor Daniel appeared in the family film A Kid in King Arthur’s Court, he got his breakthrough role in the drama serial Our Friends in the North. He later gained international fame playing the secret agent in James Bond film series like Casino Royale and No Time to Die.
Craig was born on March 2, 1968, in Chester, Cheshire, England. His height is 5 feet 10 inches, his weight is 78kg, his hair color is blonde and his eye color is blue. His net worth is $160 million.
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61 Jude Law
David Jude Heyworth Law is an English actor. He made his big screen debut in Shopping. He has received several accolades throughout his career, including a British Academy Film Award, as well as nominations for two Academy Awards, two Tony Awards, and four Golden Globe Awards. Jude Law has appeared in numerous films like The Talented Mr. Ripley, Enemy at the Gates, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Road to Perdition, Cold Mountain, Closer, The Holiday, Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Captain Marvel, and The New Pope.
Law was born on December 29, 1972, in London, England. His height is 5 feet 11 inches, weight is 57kg, hair color is dark brown and eye color is blue. His net worth is $75 million.
62 Hugh Laurie
James Hugh Calum Laurie is an English actor and comedian. He received two Golden Globe Awards and many other accolades for his portrayal of Dr. Gregory House.
Laurie has appeared in movies like The Night Manager, Blackadder, Sense and Sensibility, 101 Dalmatians, The Borrowers, Stuart Little, Let Them Talk, Didn’t It Rain, and The Gun Seller.
Laurie was born on June 11, 1959, in Blackbird Leys, Oxfordshire, England. His height is 6 feet 2 inches, weight is 94kg, hair color is light brown and eye color is blue. His net worth is $45 million.
63 Robert Carlyle
Robert Carlyle OBE is a Scottish actor. His film work includes Trainspotting, The Full Monty, The World Is Not Enough, Angela’s Ashes, The Beach, 28 Weeks Later, and Yesterday. He has been in the television shows Hamish Macbeth, Stargate Universe, and Once Upon a Time.
Carlyle was born on April 14, 1961, in Maryhill, Glasgow, United Kingdom. His height is 5 feet 8 inches, weight is 77kg, hair color is dark brown and eye color is light brown. His net worth is $10 million.
64 Malcolm McDowell
Malcolm McDowell is an English actor. He has appeared in numerous films such as A Clockwork Orange, Caligula, O Lucky Man!, Britannia Hospital, Time After Time, Cat People, Blue Thunder, Star Trek Generations, Tank Girl, Gangster No. 1, Easy A, The Artist, Bombshell, Halloween series, The Elder Scrolls Online, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, and Castlevania.
McDowell was born on June 13, 1943, in Horsforth, Yorkshire, England. His height is 5 feet 8 inches, weight is 83 kg, hair color is gray and eye color is blue. His net worth is $40 million.
65 Liam Neeson
William John Neeson is an actor from Northern Ireland. He has received several accolades throughout his career, including nominations for an Academy Award, a British Academy Film Award, two Tony Awards, and three Golden Globe Awards.
He has starred in several notable films such as Excalibur, The Bounty, The Mission, Schindler’s List, Nell, Michael Collins, Les Misérables, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, Kinsey, Batman Begins, Taken, The Grey, Silence, The Chronicles of Narnia trilogy, and A Monster Calls
Neeson was born on June 7, 1952, in Ballymena, Northern Ireland. His height is 6 feet 2 inches, weight is 85kg, hair color is light brown and eye color is blue. His net worth is $145 million.
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66 Benedict Cumberbatch
Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch CBE is an English actor. His other well-known films include After the Dance, Frankenstein, Hamlet, Hawking, Sherlock, Patrick Melrose, Star Trek Into Darkness, Amazing Grace, 12 Years a Slave, 1917, The Courier, The Imitation Game, The Power of the Dog, The Hobbit film series, and Doctor Strange series.
He has received various accolades, including a British Academy Television Award, a Primetime Emmy, and a Laurence Olivier Award.
Cumberbatch was born on July 19, 1976, in Hammersmith, London, England. His height is 6 feet, weight is 78kg, hair color is blonde and eye color is blue-green. His net worth is $40 million.
67 Ewan McGregor
Ewan Gordon McGregor is a Scottish actor. His first professional role as a lead in the series Lipstick on Your Collar. He has starred in numerous film and musical roles such as the Trainspotting series, Star Wars prequel trilogy, Moulin Rouge!, Black Hawk Down, Angels and Demons, The Ghost Writer, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, Beauty and the Beast, Christopher Robin, Doctor Sleep, Birds of Prey, and Halston.
McGregor was born on March 31, 1971, in Perth, Scotland. His height is 5 feet 10 inches, weight is 74kg, hair color is dark brown and eye color is blue. His net worth is $25 million
68 Martin Freeman
Martin John Christopher Freeman is an English actor. Among other accolades, he has won an Emmy Award, a BAFTA Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award, and has been nominated for a Golden Globe Award.
His most notable films are The Office, Sherlock, The Hobbit film trilogy, Argo, Love, Shaun of the Dead, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Hot Fuzz, Nativity!, The World’s End, Captain America: Civil War, Black Panthers, The Responder, Secret Invasion, and Black Panthers: Wakanda Forever
Freeman was born on September 8, 1971, in Aldershot, United Kingdom. His height is 5 feet 6 inches, weight is 70kg, hair color is light brown and eye color is blue. His net worth is $20 million.
69 Tim Roth
Timothy Simon Roth is an English actor. He made his film debut with The Hit and made his directorial debut with the film The War Zone.
He gained more attention for his roles in films, including The Cook, the Thief, His Wife his Lover, Vincent Theo, Rosencrantz Guildenstern Are Dead, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Four Rooms, and The Hateful Eight.
Roth was born on May 14, 1961, in Dulwich, London, England. His height is 5 feet 7 inches, weight is 66kg, hair color is light brown and eye color is blue. His net worth is $8 million.
70 Jack O’Connell
Jack O’Connell is an English actor. He is best known for his lead role as Roy Goode in the wild west miniseries “Godless”.
He has starred in critically acclaimed films like This Is England, Skins, Eden Lake, Dive, United, Starred Up, ’71, Unbroken, Money Monster, Trial by Fire, and The North Water.
O’Connell was born on August 1, 1990, in Alvaston, Derbyshire, England. His height is 5 feet 8 inches, weight is 74kg, hair color is light brown and eye color is blue. His net worth is $2 million.
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71 Ralph Fiennes
Ralph Nathaniel Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes is an English actor, film producer, and director.
He made his film debut playing Heathcliff in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. He has appeared in several films including Schindler’s List, The English Patient, Quiz Show, Strange Days, The End of the Affair, Red Dragon, Maid in Manhattan, The Constant Gardener, In Bruges, The Reader, Clash of the Titans, Great Expectations, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The King’s Man, Harry Potter film series, Skyfall, Spectre, and No Time to Die.
Fiennes was born on December 22, 1962, in Ipswich, Suffolk, England. His height is 5 feet 11 inches, his weight is 79kg, his hair color is light brown and his eye color is blue with brown-gold flecks. His net worth is $50 million.
72 Colin Firth
Colin Andrew Firth is an English actor. He is the recipient of various accolades, including an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, two British Academy Film Awards, and three Screen Actors Guild Awards.
He has appeared in several films including A Month in the Country, Tumbledown, Valmont, Pride and Prejudice, The English Patient, Shakespeare in Love, Bridget Jones’s Diary, The Importance of Being Earnest, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Love Actually, Mamma Mia!, and Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again!
Firth was born on September 10, 1960, in Grayshott, Hampshire, England. His height is 6 feet 1 inch, weight is 76kg, hair color is light brown and eye color is brown. His net worth is $25 million.
73 Michael Sheen
Michael Christopher Sheen is a Welsh actor, television producer, and political activist.
He has made notable stage appearances in Romeo and Juliet, Don’t Fool with Love, Peer Gynt, The Seagull, The Homecoming, and Henry V, His performances in Amadeus at the Old Vic and Look Back in Anger at the National Theatre were nominated for Olivier Awards.
He has also appeared in several films like The Queen, The Special Relationship, Fantabulosa!, The Damned United, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans and The Twilight Saga: New Moon, and Tron: Legacy.
Sheen was born on February 5, 1969, in New York City, United States. His height is 5 feet 10 inches, weight is 75kg, hair color is blue and eye color is dark brown. His net worth is $16 million.
74 Jamie Bell
Andrew James Matfin Bell is an English actor and dancer. He rose to prominence for his debut role in Billy Elliot, for which he won the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role, becoming one of the youngest winners of the award.
He is also known for his leading roles as Tintin in The Adventures of Tintin and as Ben Grimm / Thing in Fantastic Four. His other notable performances include in the films King Kong, Jumper, Snowpiercer, and Rocketman.
Bell was born on March 14, 1986, in Billingham, County Durham, England. His height is 5 feet 7 inches, weight is 65kg, hair color is dark brown and eye color is blue. His net worth is $11 million.
75 Dev Patel
Dev Patel is a British actor. He is the recipient of various accolades including a BAFTA Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and a Critics’ Choice Award.
He made his screen debut in the film Skins. Dev Patel went on to star in numerous films including Slumdog Millionaire, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, The Newsroom, About Cherry, The Road Within, Chappie, The Man Who Knew Infinity, A Long Way, Hotel Mumbai, and The Wedding Guest.
Patel was born on April 23, 1990, in Harrow, London, England. His height is 6 feet 2 inches, his weight is 68kg, and his hair color and eye color are both black. His net worth is $12 million.
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76 Jeremy Irons
Jeremy John Irons is an English actor and activist. He began his acting career on several West End productions including Shakespeare’s plays The Winter’s Tale, Macbeth, Much Ado About Nothing, The Taming of the Shrew, and Richard II.
His first major film role came in the romantic drama The French Lieutenant’s Woman. He had also appeared in several films like Kafka, The House of the Spirits, M. Butterfly, The Lion King, Dungeons Dragons, Assassin’s Creed, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Justice League, and Zack Snyder’s Justice League.
Irons was born on September 19, 1948, in Cowes, Isle of Wight, England. His height is 6 feet 1 inch, weight is 72kg, hair color is gray and eye color is light brown. His net worth is $25 million.
77 Sam Worthington
Samuel Henry John Worthington is a British-born Australian actor. He is best known for playing Jake Sully in Avatar, Marcus Wright in Terminator Salvation, and Perseus in Clash of the Titans and its sequel Wrath of the Titans.
He has also appeared in several other notable films including The Debt, Everest, Hacksaw Ridge, The Shack, Manhunt: Unabomber, and Fractured.
Worthington was born on August 2, 1976, in Godalming, United Kingdom. His height is 5 feet 10 inches, weight is 81kg, hair color is brown, and eye color is green. His net worth is up to $30 million.
78 Tim Curry
Timothy James Curry is an English actor and singer. He rose to prominence for his portrayal of Dr. Frank-N-Furter in the film The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
He has also appeared in several films and television roles like Annie, Legend, Clue, It, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, The Three Musketeers, Muppet Treasure Island, Peter Pan the Pirates, FernGully: The Last Rainforest, The Wild Thornberrys, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Curry was born on April 19, 1946, in Grappenhall, Cheshire, England. His height is 5 feet 8 inches, his weight is 72kg, his hair color is light black and his eye color is brown. His net worth is $14 million.
79 Hugh Grant
Hugh John Mungo Grant is an English actor. His awards include a Golden Globe Award, a BAFTA Award, and an Honorary César.
Grant achieved international success after appearing in Mike Newell’s romantic comedy film Four Weddings and a Funeral. He starred in the romantic comedies Notting Hill, Bridget Jones’s Diary, About a Boy, Two weeks’ notice, Love Actually, and Music and Lyrics.
Grant was born on September 9, 1960, in Hammersmith, London, England. His height is 5 feet 10 inches, weight is 83kg, hair color is dark brown and eye color is blue. His net worth is estimated to be $150 million.
80 Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Aaron Perry Taylor-Johnson is an English actor in film and television. He is best known for his portrayal of the title character in Kick-Ass. He has also appeared in several films such as Avengers: Age of Ultron, Shanghai Knights, The Illusionist, The Thief Lord, Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, Nowhere Boy, Savages, Anna Karenina, Godzilla, Nocturnal Animals, and Tenet.
Taylor-Johnson was born on June 13, 1990, in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England. His height is 5 feet 11 inches, weight is 80kg, hair color is light brown and eye color is grey. His net worth is $16 million.
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81 Chiwetel Ejiofor
Chiwetel Umeadi Ejiofor is a British actor. He is the recipient of various accolades, including a BAFTA Award, a Laurence Olivier Award, an NAACP Image Award, and nominations for an Academy Award, two Primetime Emmy Awards, three Screen Actors Guild Awards, and five Golden Globe Awards.
Ejiofor’s film appearances include Amistad, Dirty Pretty Things, Kinky Boots, Four Brothers, Salt, Doctor Strange series, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, and Dancing on the Edge.
Ejiofor was born on July 10, 1977, in Forest Gate, London, England. His height is 5 feet 10 inches, his weight is 78ks, his hair color is black and his eye color is dark brown. His net worth is $16 million.
82 Alan Rickman
Alan Rickman was an English actor on the stage and screen. Rickman gained international acclaim for his role as Severus Snape in the Harry Potter film series and Hans Gruber in the action film Die Hard.
He appeared in movies like Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Quigley Down Under, Truly, Madly, Deeply, An Awfully Big Adventure, Sense and Sensibility, Dogma, Love Actually, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Alice in Wonderland, and Alice Through the Looking Glass.
Rickman was born on February 21, 1946, in London, England. His height was 6 feet 1 inch, his weight was 78kg, and his hair color and eye color are both light brown. His net worth was $16 million.
83 Michael Caine
Maurice Joseph Micklewhite known as Sir Michael Caine is an English actor. Known for his distinctive South London accent, he has appeared in more than 160 films in a career spanning seven decades and is considered a British film icon.
He is well known for his appearances in films like Zulu, The Ipcress File, Alfie, The Italian Job, Battle of Britain, The Man Who Would Be King, The Eagle Has Landed, A Bridge Too Far, Dressed to Kill, The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Prestige, Inception, Interstellar, Now You See Me, Youth, and King of Thieves.
Caine was born on 14 March 1933 in Rotherhithe, London, England. His height is 6 feet 2 inches, weight is 86kg, hair color is grey and eye color is blue. His net worth is $80 million.
84 Michael Gambon
Sir Michael John Gambon is an Irish-English actor. Regarded as one of Ireland and Britain’s most distinguished actors, he is known for his work on stage and screen. He gained international prominence for his portrayal of Professor Albus Dumbledore in the Harry Potter film series.
He made his debut with the film Othello and his other films include The Cook, the Thief, His Wife Her Lover, Iain Softley’s The Wings of the Dove, The Insider, Gosford Park, Amazing Grace, The King’s Speech, Quartet, Victoria Abdul, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Singing Detective, Wives and Daughters, Path to War, Cranford, Emma, The Casual Vacancy, Churchill’s Secret, and Little Women. Gambon was born on October 19, 1940, in Dublin, Ireland. His height is 6 feet, weight is 78kg, hair color is grey and eye color is green. His net worth is $20 million.
85 Ian McShane
Ian David McShane is an English actor, producer, and director. He is known for his television performances, particularly in the title role in the BBC series Lovejoy. He has won the Golden Globe, Primetime Emmy Award, and several other accolades.
His film roles include The Wild and the Willing, If It’s Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium, Villain, Sexy Beast, Hot Rod, Captain Hook in Shrek the Third, Kung Fu Panda, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, and John Wick film series
McShane was born on September 29, 1942, in Blackburn, Lancashire, England. His height is 5 feet 7 inches, weight is 70kg, hair color is black and eye color is blue. His net worth is $10 million.
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86 Sir Ben Kingsley
Sir Ben Kingsley is an English actor. He has garnered numerous accolades, including an Academy Award, a British Academy Film Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, a Grammy Award, and two Golden Globe Awards. Kingsley is known for his starring role as Mahatma Gandhi in Richard Attenborough’s Gandhi
Kingsley’s film appearances include Schindler’s List, Twelfth Night, Sexy Beast, House of Sand and Fog, Thunderbirds, Lucky Number Slevin, Shutter Island, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Hugo, The Dictator, Iron Man 3, Ender’s Game, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, and The Jungle Book.
He was born on December 31, 1943, in Snainton, Yorkshire, England. His height is 5 feet 7 inches, weight is 74kg, he is bald and his eye color is brown. His net worth is $60 million.
87 Charles Dance
Walter Charles Dance is an English actor. His most notable films include The Golden Child, Alien 3, Last Action Hero, Going Postal, Dracula Untold, The Imitation Game, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and Mank. He also voiced Emperor Emhyr var Emreis in the video game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
His television appearances include The Jewel in the Crown, Game of Thrones, and Lord Mountbatten in the third and fourth seasons of The Crown for which he was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series.
Dance was born on October 10, 1946, in Redditch, England. His height is 6 feet 3 inches, weight is 89kg, hair color is blonde and eye color is blue. His net worth is $10 million.
88 Tom Wilkinson
Thomas Geoffrey Wilkinson is an English actor in film, television, and stage. He has received various accolades throughout his career, including a British Academy Film Award, a Golden Globe, a Primetime Emmy Award, and nominations for two Academy Awards.
His films credits include In the Name of the Father, Sense, and Sensibility, The Full Monty, Shakespeare in Love, Rush Hour, The Patriot, In the Bedroom, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Batman Begins, Michael Clayton, RocknRolla, Valkyrie, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, The Green Hornet, Selma, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Denial, and Dead in a Week or Your Money Back.
Wilkinson was born on February 5, 1948, in Wharfedale, Yorkshire, England. His height is 6 feet 1 inch, weight is 75kg, hair color is brown and eye color is hazel. His net worth is $12 million.
89 Jim Broadbent
Jim Broadbent is an English actor. He won an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award for his supporting role as John Bayley in the feature film Iris, as well as winning a BAFTA TV Award and a Golden Globe for his leading role as Lord Longford in the television film Longford.
He has appeared in numerous films like Time Bandits, Brazil, Life Is Sweet. His other notable films include The Borrowers, Bridget Jones’s Diary, The Gathering Storm, Hot Fuzz, Another Year, The Iron Lady, Arthur Christmas, Cloud Atlas, and Brooklyn. He played Horace Slughorn in the Harry Potter film series, Archmaester Ebrose in the seventh season of the television series Game of Thrones, and Samuel Gruber in the Paddington film series.
Broadbent was born on May 24, 1949, in Holton cum Beckering, Lincolnshire, England. His height is 6 feet 1 inch, weight is 75kg, hair color is salt and pepper and eye color is blue. His net worth is $5 million.
90 Bill Nighy
William Francis Nighy is an English actor. He became widely known for his performance as Billy Mack in Love Actually. His other notable cinema roles include Davy Jones in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series and Viktor in the Underworld film series.
He is also known for his roles in the films Still Crazy, Shaun of the Dead, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The Constant Gardener, Notes on a Scandal, Hot Fuzz, Valkyrie, The Boat That Rocked, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, and About Time.
Nighy was born on December 12, 1949, in Caterham, Surrey, England. His height is 6 feet, weight is 75kg, hair color is grey and eye color is blue. His net worth is $8 million.
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91 Mark Rylance
Sir David Mark Rylance Waters is an English actor, playwright, and theatre director. He was the first artistic director of Shakespeare’s Globe in London, between 1995 and 2005.
Sir David has appeared in the West End productions of Much Ado About Nothing, winning the Olivier Award for Best Actor. Mark has also appeared on Broadway, winning three Tony Awards: two for Best Actor for Boeing Boeing and Jerusalem in 2011, and one for Best Featured Actor for Twelfth Night in 2014. He received Best Actor nominations for Richard III and Farinelli and the King.
Rylance was born on January 18, 1960, in Ashford, Kent, England. His height is 5 feet 8 inches, weight is 67kg, hair color is brown and eye color is green. His net worth is $10 million.
92 Kenneth Branagh
Sir Kenneth Charles Branagh is a British actor and filmmaker. He has won an Academy Award, four BAFTAs, two Emmy Awards, and a Golden Globe Award. Branagh has both directed and starred in several film adaptations of William Shakespeare’s plays, including Henry V, Much Ado About Nothing, Othello, Hamlet, Love’s Labour’s Lost, and As You Like It. He has starred in television series like Fortunes of War, Shackleton, and Wallander. He also appeared in films like Celebrity, Wild Wild West, The Road to El Dorado, Conspiracy, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Warm Springs, Valkyrie, The Boat That Rocked, My Week with Marilyn, Dunkirk, and Tenet.
Branagh was born on December 10, 1960, in Belfast, Northern Ireland. His height is 5 feet 10 inches, his weight is 74kg, his hair color is blonde and his eye color is dark blue. His net worth is $60 million.
93 Jonathan Bailey
Jonathan Stuart Bailey best known as Jonathan Bailey is an English actor. Born on 25 April 1988 in Oxfordshire, England. He attended The Oratory School and later studied in Magdalen College School, Oxford. He was in music scholarship for playing piano and clarinet. He was auditioned for play A Christmas Carol at Barbican Theatre as Tiny tim and Young Scrooge.
He made his debut in television with the drama Bramwell. Bailey made his first released film was Five Children and It. Later he was casted in series Leonardo da Vinci as Leonardo. He made his breakthrough and popularity through crime drama Broadchurch.
Some of television appearance in Baddiel’s Syndrome, Off the Hook, Me and Mrs Jones, Groove High, Crashing, Broadchurch, Jack Ryan, Bridgerton and lot more. He is more associated with theatre plays. He made his voice role in several video games. He has many nominations and awards in his name.
94 Tobias Menzies
Tobias Simpson Menzies better known as Tobias Menzies is an English actor. Born on 7 March 1974 to Peter Menzies and Gillian at Hammersmith, London. He was addmissioned in Perry Court Rudolf Steiner School in Canterbury. Then he attended Frensham Heights School. He did his acting classes from Royal Academy of Dramatic Art and graduated with BA Degree in acting. After graduation he attended some workshop for learning acting.
His first appearance in television series was Casualty. Then he was featured in Summer in the Suburbs and Midsomer Murders. Menzies first appearance in film was The Low Down. Then on film Finding Neverland. He has acted more than thirty television dramas and series, some of his renowned appearance in Eternal Law, The Shadow Line, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Outlander, The Night Manager, Catastrophe, The Crown and lot more. He has appeared in several films. Menzies has done some stage shows and plays.
95 Rege Jean Page
Regé-Jean Page is a British actor. Born on 27 April 1988 in London. He did his primary education in Harare then secondary education in London. He is graduated in sound engineering from National Youth Theatre. Later he was addmissioned on Drama Centre London. He was seen in stage shows like The History Boys and The Merchant of Venice.
He was casted in television series Gimme 6. Then later he was casted in television series such as Casualty@Holby City, Fresh Meat, Waterloo Road, Roots, For the People, Bridgerton and more. He then appeared in the films like Survivor, Mortal Engines, Sylvie’s Love, The Gray Man and few more. He made his breakthrough by appearing in the Netflix drama Bridgerton, which earned him nominations in few awards. He is in relationship with Emily Brown.
96 Ben Barnes
Benjamin Thomas Barnes a.k.a Ben Barnes is an English actor and singer. Born on 20 August 1981 in London. He studied in Homefield Preparatory School and King’s College School. He was interested in music at his teen, and joined musical theatre National Youth Music Theatre. Then he studied in Kingston University for English literature and drama. He started in television appearance with series Doctors as guest appearance. He made his debut film Stardust as young Dunstan thorn.
He then appeared in Bigga Than Ben. Later he worked on big venture The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian as Prince Caspian, this was his breakthrough film and gained postive response. His earned nominations for his portrayal. Some of his best performed films and television dramas are Killing Bono, Jackie Ryan, By the Gun, The Punisher, Shadow and Bone, Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities and more. He wa featured in few music videos.
97 Martins Imahamgbe
Martins Isoken Imhangbe a.k.a Martins Imhangbe is a British actor. Born on 7 July 1991 Edo State, Nigeria. He pursued BTEC diploma in Performing arts from Lewisham College. He is graduated from Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in acting. At his drama school he performed at plays like A Human Being Died that night, Cindrella, and Romeo and Juliet.
He was casted in Lionboy. He played in Richard II at Almeida Theatre for which he was nominated for Ian Charleson Award. He was casted in the film The Last British Execution, The Tragedy of King Richard the Second and Samuel’s Trousers. He has a series on Netflix called Bridgerton. He is more associated to theater plays rather on films and television. Some of his other plays are The Skriker, The Royale, Barber Shop Chronicles, Death of a Salesman, Othello and more.
98 Sope Dirisu
Sope Dirisu is a British actor. Born on 9 January 1991 in Edgware, London. He did his schooling at Bedford Modern School. He then joined National Youth Theatre. He was a student of Economics at the University of Birmingham. He started his career as a theatre artist in Royal Shakespeare Company, he was casted in Pericles, Prince of Tyre. Then he appeared in television series like The Mill, Humans, Utopia, The Casual Vacancy, siblings, Undercover and lot more.
He has acted on films like Criminal, The Huntsman: Winter’s War, Sand Castle, His House, Mothering Sunday, Silent Night and more. His major role was in Gangs of London, which recognition film. He did theatre plays which includes One Night in Miami, Romeo and Juliet, Prince of Denmark, Red Riding Hood and few more. He was nominated twice for his roles.
99 Chukwu Modu
Chukuma Modu also known as Chuku Modu is an English actor. Born on 19 June 1990 in Chiswick, London. He studied his acting classes from Richmond Drama School. He began as a minor background artist in Me Before You. Then he appeared in famous series Game of Thornes as Aggo. Then he was casted on The Good Doctor as a lead Dr. Jared Kalu. He also featured in Captain Marvel.
He then appeared in several television series like Snatch and 100. He has done some short films like The Dawn, The Last Days of Margaret Thatcher, Loft No.5, Stages, Heavy weight and Survive. His upcoming project Freedoms Name Is Mighty Sweet is on way in which he is also a co-writer and co-executive producer.
100 Toby Jones
Tobias Edward Heslewood Jones best known as Toby Jones is an English actor. Born on 7 September 1966 in Hammersmith, London. He is born to actors Jennifer Jones and Freddie Jones. He studied in Christ Church Cathedral School and Abingdon School in Oxfordshire. Then he studied drama in University of Manchester. After completion he joined to L’École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq. He began his journey towards acting from Film Orlando.
He is a part of Harry Potter’s The Deathly Hallows – Part 1 and Chamber of Secrets as voice artist for Dobby. He came up with television series Lovejoy as Sgt. Protheroe. His most popular roles are in the films like Infamous, Amazing Grace, The Painted Veil, Frost/Nixon, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, My Week with Marilyn, Empire of Light, and etc. He earned few awards and nominations. His performance are also associate with stage shows and dramas. He is married to karen Jones and have two children.
101 Damian Lewis
Damian Watcyn Lewis a.k.a Damian Lewis is an English actor and producer. Born on 11 February 1971 to father John Watcyn Lewis and mother Charlotte Mary. He did his education from Ashdown House School and East Sussex. He was graduated from Guildhall School of Music and Drama. He began his acting career from television drama A Touch of Frost.
Later he was seen in Robinson Crusoe. He did lot of television series and drama. His most popular role is in television miniseries Band of Brothers as U.S Army major Richard winters. This role earned Golden globe nomination. Some of appearance in the films are Dreamcatcher, Keane, Brides, Chromophobia, An Unfinished Life, The Escapist, The Sweeney, The Silent Storm, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and few more.
He has worked on theatres at various places, some of his plays are Hamlet, Into the Woods, Five Gold Rings, American Buffalo, The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia?, The Misanthrope and more. He is an producer for his film The Baker. He is married to Helen McCrory in 2007.
102 Matt Smith
Matthew Robert Smith better known as Matt Smith is an English actor. Born on 28 October 1982 to father David Smith and mother Lynne in Northampton. He did his schooling from Northampton School for Boys. After doing schooling he attended National Youth Theatre for acting. He is graduated from University of East Anglia in drama and creative writing. With the theatre he participated in play Murder in the Cathedral and The Master and Margarita.
He began his screen career with television series The Ruby in the Smoke and The Shadow in the North. He then casted on major television role in Party Animals. In the television drama Doctor Who he appeared as eleventh doctor which given him recognition and popularity.
He was nominated for British Academy Television Award for Best Actor and National Television Awards for his doctor who. He was featured in the film In Bruges. Later he was seen in Lost River, Patient Zero, Terminator Genisys, Morbius and few films more. He is been awarded and nominated for his various characters which he played. He was in relationship with multiple partners with time to time.
103 Timothy Dalton
Timothy Leonard Dalton Leggett a.k.a Timothy Dalton is an British actor. Born on 21 March 1946 in Colwyn Bay, Wales. He attended Herbert Strutt Grammar School for his Secondary education. He joined Royal Academy of Dramatic Art but not completed, as he ensemble of the Birmingham Repertory Theatre. He was featured in The Lion in Winter, a BBC television drama. Then he was seen on Wuthering Heights and Cromwell.
He one of the character of James bond which given him globally recognition. Later he appeared in some of his notable films like The Living Daylights, Licence to Kill, Flash Gordon, The Rocketeer, Looney Tunes: Back in Action, Hot Fuzz, The Tourist and several more.
He entered in television and worked on many television series, dramas and miniseries which includes Jane Eyre, Scarlett, Doctor Who, Penny Dreadful and Doom Patrol. He was in touched with stage and played in most famous plays like Coriolanus, Little Malcolm And His Struggle Against The Eunuchs, The Merchant of Venice, Richard III, As You Like It, The Doctor’s Dilemma and many more.
104 Brian Cox
Brian Denis Cox also known as Brian Cox is a Scottish actor. Born on 1 June 1946 in Dundee, Scotland. He was born to father Charles McArdle Campbell Cox and mother Mary Ann Guillerline. He attended his schooling in St Mary’s Forebank Primary School and St Michael’s Junior Secondary School.
He worked in Dundee Repertory Theatre before joining to London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art by graduating his acting. He started his career through Television appearance in The Wednesday Play. Then he appeared as lead in The Year of the Sex Olympics film. He then casted in many films and television dramas. Some of his notable films include The Long Kiss Goodnight, Rushmore, Super Troopers, The Bourne Identity, Troy, The Bourne Supremacy , Red Eye, Zodiac, The Escapist, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Coriolanus, RED 2, and Remember Me.
He was subsequently attached to theatres and earned many recognition for work. He has many honoured awards and nominations. He had done various art forms other than acting like writing, film making and etc. He has many partners from time to time. He has 4 children.
105 Oliver Reed
Oliver Reed was an English actor. Born on 13 February 1938 in Wimbledon, London. He was in 14 different schools. At earlier days he worked as boxer, a bouncer, a taxi driver and a hospital porter before he joined Royal Army Medical Corps that help him to realise about acting. He was uncredited for his earlier appearance in Value for Money and The Square Peg.
He has few uncredited television appearance too. He made his breakthrough the Television series The Golden Spur. He then casted in Sword of Sherwood Forest. He has done many more films later as lead and many in supporting roles. He was considered as greatest actor for his generation. He has received many awards for his contribution in films. Reed was found dead in May 1999 from heart attack. His funeral held in Churchtown. He has a book written called Reed All About Me.
106 Taron Egerton
Taron Egerton is an English and Welsh actor. Born on 10 November 1989 in Birkenhead, England. He began his acting at early age and did his graduation from Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. After his graduation he joined theater and practiced acting in play like The Last of the Haussmans. Soon after he appeared in drama series Lewis. He leads in the film Kingsman: The Secret Service. Then he was featured in several films such as Legend, Eddie the Eagle, Kingsman: The Golden Circle, Billionaire Boys Club, Rocketman, Sing 1 2 and Tetris.
He was casted in many television shows which includes The Smoke, Watership Down, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, Moominvalley and Black Bird. Most noticed roles that he had done in Rocketman for which he was praised and appreciated. He was nominated for the awards.He is an ambassador for Motor Neurone Disease Association after he lost his grandmother from same disease.
107 Mark Strong
Mark Strong or Marco Giuseppe Salussolia is a British actor. Born on 5 August 1963 in London. He studied in Wymondham College later on Royal Holloway, University of London. He was very passionate about acting and attended Bristol Old Vic Theatre School for acting. He started his career by appearing in Prime Suspect-2 a series.
Later he was in Prime Suspect-3 and on Prime Suspect-6. He was casted in Our Friends in the North and The Long Firm, two drama serials. He is best known for his character like Prince Septimus in Stardust, Archibald in RocknRolla, Lord Henry Blackwood in Sherlock Holmes, Frank D’Amico in Kick-Ass, Jim Predeaux in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and many more. He had done more than 50 films.
He has acted in so many television shows, drama and series. He was awarded and nominated for his several roles which he did. He is on to the stage shows in various theatres. He is featured on few video games in different characters. He is married to Liza Marshall and have two children.
108 Stephen Graham
109 Alec Guinness
110 Lawrence Olivier
111 Alfred Molina
112 Albert Finney
113 James Purefoy
114 Rufus Sewell
115 Peter O’Toole
116 Bob Hoskins
117 John Hurt
118 Peter Sellers
119 Joseph Fiennes
120 Richard Armitage
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