Bella hadid
,#44; или #x2c;
Запята́я (,) — знак препинания в русском и других языках. Иногда используется как десятичный разделитель.
Как знак препинания
В русском языке запятая используется на письме:
для обособления (выделения)
- определений, если определение находится после определяемого слова, либо имеет добавочное обстоятельственное значение, либо в случаях, когда определяемое слово является именем собственным или личным местоимением,
- обстоятельств, кроме тех случаев, когда обстоятельство является фразеологизмом; также в случаях, когда обстоятельство выражено существительным с предлогом (кроме предлогов невзирая на, несмотря на), запятая ставится факультативно;
также при использовании:
- причастных и деепричастных оборотов,
- обращений,
- уточнений,
- междометий,
- вводных слов (по некоторым источникам, вводные слова входят в состав обособленных обстоятельств, по другим — нет),
для разделения:
- между частями сложносочинённого, сложноподчинённого или сложного бессоюзного предложения;
- между прямой речью и косвенной, если косвенная речь стоит после прямой речи, а сама прямая речь не заканчивается знаками «!» и «?»; в этом случае после запятой (если она поставлена) всегда ставится тире.
- при однородных членах.
Как десятичный разделитель
В числовой записи, в зависимости от принятого в том или ином языке стандарта, запятой разделяются целая и дробная части либо разряды по три цифры между собой. В частности, в русском языке принято отделение дробной части запятой, а разрядов друг от друга пробелами; в английском языке принято отделение дробной части точкой, а разрядов друг от друга запятыми.
В информатике
В языках программирования запятая используется в основном при перечислении — например, аргументов функций, элементов массива.
Является разделителем в представлении табличных данных в текстовом формате CSV.
В Юникоде символ присутствует с самой первой версии в первом блоке Основная латиница (англ. Basic Latin) под кодом U 002C, совпадающим с кодом в ASCII.
На современных компьютерных клавиатурах запятую можно набрать двумя способами:
Запятая находится в нижнем регистре на клавише Del цифровой клавиатуры, если выбран русский региональный стандарт. Более правильно говорить, что в нижнем регистре на клавише Del цифровой клавиатуры находится десятичный разделитель для текущего регионального стандарта. Для США это будет точка. Запятая находится в верхнем регистре русской раскладки (набрать запятую можно лишь нажав клавишу ⇧ Shift. Существует мнение, что это неправильно, поскольку замедляет скорость набора текста (в русском языке запятая встречается чаще точки, для набора которой нажимать ⇧ Shift не требуется)[1].В культуре
- В детской считалочке:
Точка, точка, запятая —
Вышла рожица кривая,
Палка, палка, огуречик,
Получился человечек.
- В повести Лии Гераскиной «В стране невыученных уроков» Запятая является одной из подданных Глагола. Она описывается как горбатая старуха. Злится на Витю Перестукина за то, что тот постоянно ставит её не на место. В мультфильме «В стране невыученных уроков» Запятая также является подданной Глагола, но изображена иначе. Она выглядит не как старуха, а как девочка. Кроме того, она не такая злючка, хотя всё равно жалуется на то, что Витя ставит её не на место.
Варианты и производные
Средневековая, перевёрнутая и повышенная запятыеlink rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-dаta:TemplateStyles:r129328105">Изображение
⹌: medieval comma
⸴: raised comma
⸲: turned comma
⹌: U 2E4C
⸴: U 2E34
⸲: U 2E32
⹌: #11852; или #x2e4c;
⸴: #11828; или #x2e34;
⸲: #11826; или #x2e32;
⹌: 0x2E4C
⸴: 0x2E34
⸲: 0x2E32
⹌: ⹌
⸴: ⸴
⸲: ⸲
В средневековых рукописях использовался ранний вариант запятой, выглядевший как точка с правым полукругом сверху. Для определённых сокращений использовался и знак повышенной запятой (⸴)[2].
В фонетической транскрипции Palaeotype для индикации назализации использовалась перевёрнутая запятая[3][4].
Все три символа закодированы в Юникоде в блоке Дополнительная пунктуация (англ. Supplemental Punctuation) под кодами U 2E4C, U 2E34 и U 2E32 соответственно.
См. также
.mw-parser-output .ts-Родственный_проект{background:#f8f9fa;border:1px solid #a2a9b1;clear:right;float:right;font-size:90%;margin:0 0 1em 1em;padding:.4em;max-width:19em;width:19em;line-height:1.5}.mw-parser-output .ts-Родственный_проект th,.mw-parser-output .ts-Родственный_проект td{padding:.2em 0;vertical-align:middle}.mw-parser-output .ts-Родственный_проект th td{padding-left:.4em}@media(max-width:719px){.mw-parser-output .ts-Родственный_проект{width:auto;margin-left:0;margin-right:0}}- Серийная запятая
- Точка
- Точка с запятой
- Число с плавающей запятой
↑ Лебедев А. А. Ководство. § 105. Трагедия запятой. Студия Артемия Лебедева (14 июня 2004). Дата обращения: 17 мая 2019. Архивировано 12 декабря 2007 года. ↑ ichael Everson (editor), Peter Baker, Florian Grammel, Odd Einar Haugen. Proposal to add Medievalist punctuation characters to the UCS (англ.) (PDF) (25 января 2016). Дата обращения: 17 мая 2019. Архивировано 15 декабря 2017 года. ↑ Michael Everson. Proposal to encode six punctuation characters in the UCS (англ.) (PDF) (5 декабря 2009). Дата обращения: 17 мая 2019. Архивировано 7 апреля 2016 года. ↑ Simon Ager. Dialectal Paleotype (англ.) (htm). Omniglot. Дата обращения: 17 мая 2019.Ссылки
- , на сайте (англ.)
- ⹌ на сайте (англ.)
- ⸴ на сайте (англ.)
- ⸲ на сайте (англ.)
- Орфографические правила употребления запятой на
- Большая норвежская
- Брокгауза и Ефрона
- Britannica (онлайн)
- Britannica (онлайн)
- De Agostini
- Treccani
- BNF: 162295578
- SUDOC: 146880978
- Точка (.)
- Запятая (,)
- Точка с запятой (;)
- Двоеточие (:)
- Восклицательный знак (!)
- Вопросительный знакli>
- Многоточиеli>
- Дефис (‐)
- Дефис-минус (-)
- Неразрывный дефис (‑)
- Тиреli>
- Скобки ([ ], ( ), { }, ⟨ ⟩)
- Кавычки („ “, « », “ ”, ‘ ’, ‹ ›)
- Двойной вопросительный знакli>
- Двойной восклицательный знакli>
- Вопросительный и восклицательный знакli>
- Восклицательный и вопросительный знакli>
- Иронический знак (⸮)
- Интерробанг (‽)
- Предложенные Эрве Базеном (, , , , , )
- Перевёрнутый восклицательный знак (¡)
- Перевёрнутый вопросительный знак (¿)
- Перевёрнутый интерробанг (⸘)
- Китайская и японская пунктуацияli>
- Паияннои (ฯ, ຯ, ។)
- Апатарц (՚)
- Шешт (՛)
- Бацаканчакан ншан (՜)
- Бут (՝)
- Харцакан ншан (՞)
- Патив (՟)
- Верджакет (։)
- Ентамна (֊)
- Колон (·)
- Гиподиастола (⸒)
- Коронис (⸎)
- Параграфос (⸏)
- Дипла (⸖)
- Гереш (׳)
- Гершаим (״)
- Нун хафуха (׆)
- Иоритэн (〽)
- Средневековая запятая (⹌)
- Повышенная запятая (⸴)
- Двойной дефис (⸗, ⹀)
- Двойное тире (⸺)
bella hadid
Who Is Bella Hadid?
Bella Hadid is a supermodel who has appeared in campaigns for brands such as Bulgari and Fendi. Hadid aims to use her fame to "change something in the world for the better." She has spoken about her mental health struggles, her experience with Lyme disease and the status of Palestinians. Hadid would like to act someday, though she has trouble memorizing dialogue.
Early Life and Family
Isabella Khair Hadid was born on October 9, 1996, in Washington, D.C. Hadid's father, Mohamed Hadid, is an architect and real estate developer. Her mother, Yolanda Hadid, is a former model who starred on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Hadid grew up with an older sister, Gigi, and a younger brother, Anwar, both of whom are also models. In addition, Hadid has two older half-sisters, Alana and Marielle, from a past relationship of her father's.
Hadid's mother left the Netherlands for the United States at 16; her father was a refugee from Palestine who also came to the United States at a young age. Hadid, who has declared, "I am proud to be a Muslim," grew up celebrating Eid and Ramadan. However, she noted in 2017, "Once I got older I was working and going to school, so I couldn't fast for as long."
Hadid's parents split up in 2000. Her mother was married to music producer David Foster for part of Hadid's childhood, though that marriage also ended.
Hadid described her childhood in California in a 2017 interview: "Growing up on a ranch in Santa Barbara, I would go to school during the day, then go straight to the barn and ride my horses, have dinner with my family every night at 6pm, do my homework, and go to sleep." A talented equestrian, Hadid took part in weekend competitions from the time she was 3 up until she was 15.
When she was 14, Hadid started working at a juice bar to earn her own money. It was at this age that she also started to dye her naturally blonde hair. The difference in shades wouldhelp Hadid forge her own path as a model apart from her sister.
Modeling Career
After high school, Hadid left California to study photography at the Parsons School of Design in New York City. At the time, her sister Gigi was already a successful model. Hadid was modeling herself and soon came tobelieve she was "learning more with photographers on set than I was in school." She opted to leave school to focus on this career. In 2015, she made her runway debut for Tom Ford at New York City's Fashion Week.
Hadid is proud that she became financially independent at 18. She has appeared on numerous magazine covers and has contracts with Bulgari, Fendi and Dior beauty.
Though they're in the same industry, there's no sibling rivalry between Hadid and her sister. In 2017, Hadidtold Harper's Bazaar, "Most of the time our markets are completely different, and if we get booked on a job and she gets it or I get it, we're both happy for each other." In addition to receiving support from Gigi and her mother, a former model, Hadid is good friends with fellow supermodels like Kendall Jenner.
After she was seen in a video for Love magazine in 2018, Hadid faced online criticism for looking too thin. She has also been accused of not smiling enough. Hadidtold InStyle, "When I started modeling, it was such an intense force that I guess I just didn't smile and I didn't want to, and then it became a thing that I didn’t smile." She explained she'd been embarrassed by her smile when she first began modeling. There were also instances when she wasn't feeling well due to Lyme disease.
During her modeling career, Hadid has gone through even more discomfiting experiences. In 2018, she had to contact police when an alleged stalker showed up outside her New York City apartment. And while working for Victoria's Secret, Hadid reportedly had to listen to objectifying comments about her body. In 2019, Hadid admitted that modeling lingerie for Rihanna's Savage x Fenty line was "the first time on a runway that I felt really sexy," adding, "I was doing other lingerie shows and I never felt powerful on a runway, like, in my underwear."
In 2021, Hadid returned to a revamped Victoria's Secret as part of its VS Collective. She said she made the decision because she felt the company was "moving forward with not only body diversity, but diversity of women in general."
Lyme Disease
In 2012, Hadid was diagnosed with Lyme disease, as were her mother and brother. The illness made riding horses, a beloved activity for Hadid, more difficult. Hadid has said that her symptoms worsened when she turned 18. She has experienced headaches, brain fog, insomnia, anxiety, disordered eating and joint pain. She's also suffered from intense fatigue.
Speaking about her experience with Lyme disease in 2016, Hadid stated, "Life isn't always what it looks like on the outside, and the hardest part of this journey is to be judged by the way you look instead of the way you feel."
Social Media and Activism
Hadid has expressed a desire to use her fame to benefit others. She said in 2020, "I have so much responsibility to use my platform for good, especially as I get older."
In January 2017, Hadid and her sister Gigi took part in a protest against then President Donald Trump's travel ban and plans to build a border wall. She later explained, "My dad was a refugee when he first came to America, so it's actually very close to home for my sister and brother and me."
In 2019, Hadid announced she was paying to plant 600 trees to compensate for the carbon generated by her air travel. When Israeli rockets were striking Gaza in 2021, Hadid voiced her concern for Palestinians on social media.
Mental Health
In 2018, Hadid shared her experience with anxiety on her mother's show, Making a Model with Yolanda Hadid. In 2019, she related that as an 18-year-old launching her career in modeling, "I would cry every single morning, I would cry during my lunch breaks, I would cry before I slept," due to the demands of pleasing designers and photographers while working long hours.
Hadid once took a temporary break from social media for her own mental health. She was back on social sites by November 2021, when she responded to an Instagram post from Willow Smith about insecurity. Hadid's reply showed her crying. She told her followers, "Self help and mental illness/chemical imbalance is not linear and it is almost like a flowing rollercoaster of obstacles… it has its ups and downs, and side to sides."
Hadid entered into a relationship with musician The Weeknd in 2015, after he requested she appear in artwork for his Beauty Behind the Madness album. The two worked together again when Hadid had a role in the music video for "In the Night." They broke up in 2016due to conflicting schedules, but were romantically linked once more in 2018.
In 2020, Hadid began dating art director Marc Kalman.
- NameBella Hadid
- Birth Year1996
- Birth date: October 91996
- Birth CityWashington, D.C.
- Birth CountryUnited States
- Best Known For: Bella Hadid is an American supermodel who, along with her sister Gigi, has reached the summit of the fashion world.
- Astrological SignScorpio
We strive for accuracy and fairness.If you see something that doesn't look right,contact us!
- Article TitleBella Hadid Biography
- Editors
- Website NameThe website
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- Access Dateli>
- PublisherAE; Television Networks
- Last UpdatedFebruary172022
- Original Published DateFebruary172022
С поклонниками ›› #fans@bellahadidonlineMehr anzeigen:
Двадцать третьего марта Белла вновь приняла участие в Зимнем конном фестивале в Веллингтоне, откуда нашему вниманию стали доступны несколько любительских фотокарточек от поклонников.
Naturally, Hadid was excited by the aesthetic possibilities of creating art out of her own image. She submitted to a 3D scan that the artists would then be able to use to create the NFTs. “There were probably 200 cameras surrounding me and I stood in the middle and changed my shape so it got all these different parts of my body, different versions of my facial expressions, fingers, toes. We wanted it to be very realistic,” she says. But beyond the look and feel of the NFTs, she built this new platform to have a community aspect. Though some of the details still sound hazy, purchasing one of Hadid’s NFTs will eventually grant you access to online and real life meet-and-greets with the model. “We’re gonna set up different events. Tokyo—I hope that’s one of our first launch spaces. It’d be an airdrop essentially: If you’re in Tokyo having coffee and all of a sudden I’m right next door to you, you’d get a ping,” she says. “Just going to different places I love and seeing the people who support me and giving them a real hug.”
Hadid certainly knows a thing or two about capturing audience attention online. She has already proven herself as World Wide Web gold. For a recent run of red carpet looks at Cannes Film Festival, for instance, she caused a small internet fashion brushfire by teaming up with stylist Law Roach for an incredible string of archival dresses, including pieces from Chanel, Tom Ford’s Gucci era, and a vintage black Versace dress from 1987 with an epic voluminous bow around the waist. “Who is the one person who could make me feel confident enough to go for my dream of doing all these archival moments? That for me is Law [Roach]. Him and I have very similar minds when it comes to fashion. I told him I wanted it to be classic old festival looks,” she says. “Donatella was nice enough to open up Gianni’s whole archive for us, which is unheard of, and I was so honored. She really had in mind exactly what she wanted for me.”
Regarding CY-B3LLA, Hadid understands that there’s some well-deserved mistrust out there about the celebrity-NFT-industrial complex. “Where that skepticism comes from is the people who just want to have a money grab,” she says. “To me, it’s so much bigger than that. I want it to be a collective. It’s not a one-stop shop—this is a real passion. I want to be used as a vessel for communication and respect and love. ”