Angel monroe фото
Скандально известная украинская травести-дива Монро является одной из самых ярких представительниц шоу-бизнеса своей страны. Много лет она борется со стереотипами общества относительно гомосексуалистов. Она говорит, что оценивает себя здраво и понимает, что хоть сознание у нее и женское, физиология осталась мужской. Никаких операций по смене пола она делать не собирается и призывает всех людей прислушиваться только к тому, что подсказывает сердце.
Что происходит в личной жизни травести-дивы Монро, а также, с чего она начинала свой путь и чем занимается сейчас? Об этом и не только в данной статье.
Юные годы
Настоящее имя травести Монро - Андрей Шимко. Под этим именем ее практически никто уже не помнит. Остался только узкий круг людей, попавших на первые выступления дивы, где она еще представлялась не только псевдонимом.
О биографии травести Монро до начала ее творческой деятельности известно не так много. О своей семье она рассказывает только то, что ее воспитывали авторитарно, она была поздним ребенком, родители были пожилыми и опекали ее, как могли.
Монро уже в юности поняла, что не такая как все. Мальчику нравились женские вещи, макияж, хотелось жить красиво и ярко, но в Советском Союзе такое явление, как гомосексуализм не признавалось. Уже после того как травести-дива Монро добилась популярности, родители смогли понять и смириться с тем, что их сын нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентации и что он ведет такой образ жизни. Сегодня тему личной жизни они никак не поднимают.
Родители решили все за сына сами и отправили его получать образование в институт имени Шевченко. Монро не нравилось обучение, ей хотелось пойти по пути творческой деятельности. Уже на втором курсе она стала пытаться попасть в шоу-бизнес. На счастье, несколько ее знакомых работали в пародийном шоу-двойников. Они-то и разглядели в женственном юноше всемирно известную знаменитость - Мерилин Монро. Яркий макияж, парик и платье - и вот уже перед ними стояла Монро собственной персоной. Этот первый образ стал началом большого эстрадного пути.
Начало карьеры
В начале творческого пути Монро, по ее собственному признанию, часто выступала бесплатно. Это она делала для того, чтобы набраться опыта, а также, чтобы погреться в лучах славы, послушать овации. Она всегда хотела, чтобы ей восхищались, и была готова пойти ради этого на многое. Затем она создала свою труппу и стала гастролировать по стране. Она сталкивалась и с откровенным презрением и с непониманием, но всегда помнила о том, для чего она это делает, и продолжала создавать новые номера, писать сценарии и выходить на сцену с улыбкой. Зал замирал, когда она начинала петь.
Вскоре ее слава переросла ночные клубы: ее стали приглашать экспертом в различные телевизионные программы, с удовольствием звали для проведения мероприятий. Маленькая труппа выросла в целое шоу, где травести-артисты радовали публику, а во главе всего этого действия была сама Монро. В 1999 году ей впервые удалось засветиться на телевидении в программе "Табу", которую тогда вел Мыкола Вересень.
К своему шоу травести Монро подходит с огромной щепетильностью. Она перфекционист и все старается сделать наилучшим образом. Большую часть всего шоу Монро делает сама: шьет парики, вышивает костюмы, выбор тканей для ярких нарядов и даже музыка - все тоже на ней. Создание пресс-релизов и компьютерный монтаж - кажется, что эта девушка может все. Сегодня ее образ травести-дивы давно перерос из рабочего и стал настоящим стилем жизни. Ее узнают не только в родной Украине: со своим травести-шоу Монро гастролирует по странам бывшего СССР и часто выступает за границей.
Личная жизнь
В настоящий момент открыто Монро не заявляет о том, что с ней рядом есть постоянный партнер. Хотя говорит о том, что у нее много поклонников, даже среди гетеросексуальных мужчин, желающих разнообразить свою жизнь. Она говорит о том, что никогда не продастся, и купить можно только ее выступление, но не ее саму. Монро рассказывает о том, что однажды ее пригласили на масштабное мероприятие - день рождения высокопоставленного военного. На одной сцене с ней пела Таисия Повалий, но главной звездой и изюминкой вечера была травести-дива. Организатор вечера рассказал, что именинник сам принес диск с выступлением артистки и сказал: "Хочу только ее!" Имена своих известных любовников Монро не называет, хотя и признается, что довольно любвеобильна. Также она заявила, что никогда новых знакомых к себе домой не приглашает, а с мужчинами знакомится только через своих приятелей, хотя раньше свободно ходила на свидания с поклонниками из социальных сетей.
В возрасте 38 лет травести-дива Монро сообщила, что хочет прибегнуть к услугам суррогатной матери. До этого она заявляла, что детей хочет, но расставленные приоритеты пока не дают подойти к этому вопросу серьезно.
Чем занимается сейчас
Монро довольно успешно занимается проведением вечеринок в ночных клубах и говорит, что при полном параде и в образе выходит даже в соседний магазин за хлебом. Ее часто приглашают на различные телевизионные проекты, издания берут интервью и с радостью подхватывают новости из жизни дивы. Гастрольный график Монро расписан на месяцы вперед, но помимо этого она успевает еще довольно активно вести свой "Инстаграм" и выкладывать видео на "Ютуб".
Интересные факты
Более семи лет травести Монро борется за права сексуальных меньшинств и за их нормальное восприятие окружающими. В честь пятнадцатилетия своего творчества Монро организовала новый проект "КіС Монро", в котором соединила фотографию, обмен книгами и литературу в целом. Перед началом презентации книги травести Монро "Хорошо, что я не баба" недоброжелатели облили ее кефиром и краской. Одного из нападавших задержали, а второму удалось уйти. Презентацию было решено не отменять, но сумка, пальто и туфли восстановлению не подлежали. Секретом своей привлекательной внешности травести-дива Монро называет ежедневные утренние занятия спортом. Самое нелюбимое занятие Монро, по ее собственному признанию, - мытье посуды. В 2013 году у травести Монро состоялся конфликт с певицей Светланой Лободой. Монро написала на своей странице в социальных сетях, что Лобода похожа на Кончиту Вюрст только без бороды. В ответ на это Светлана разместила фото, на котором якобы была изображена травести-дива, резвящаяся в ванне с молодыми мужчинами. Монро на снимке себя не признала.Монро чувствует себя в образе обворожительной блондинки очень органично: волосы, ногти, одежда - все очень женственно и со вкусом, даже накладную грудь она надевает разных размеров - под настроение. Она покоряет все новых и новых поклонников своей естественностью, открытостью и оптимизмом, а на сцене от нее невозможно отвести глаз. Впереди у Монро много творческих планов и проектов, в которых она хочет еще больше раскрыть свой потенциал. Остается пожелать этой нестандартной артистке успехов во всех начинаниях!
angel monroe фото
All American beach girl from Florida California USA Full Bio: Birth Name: Angel Monroe is Actress -American Rapper, Writer and Model. Angel was seen on the Billboard Awards as Feminem Rapper, a name given to her by TV executives when asked to rap. Angel Artist Performer started out rapping for fun as a child and Modeling and acting in grade school, took a break, then and started Modeling Full time and signed with BMG Models in Magazines,Billboards and Petite Fashion Shows, Pageants, Swim Suit, Hawaiian Tropics, Photo shoots, and signed with her first big agent, also performed and sang, danced and toured Florida. Her journey started in Ballet, Tap and Jazz at 4yrs old, early on her mother took her out of dance, times were financially tough and her mother decided she should focus on school. Angel was devastated, knowing how to tap dance at such young age. She began to sing in the school choir at and began hip hop lessons one on one lessons in high school by working to make side cash to support her ambitions. Angel was in a duet girls group working on coming out with a consignment demo and had stores offering to place and sell her CD's and posters. However, Angel's mother insisted she wait and focus on school. And ultimately took her out of music and turn down a record deal and management since angel was just child but she continued on with acting.
Angel is also known for her creativity, extreme versatility and writing, and wrote all of her own lyrics ,songs and monologues .
Prior to her mother's decision not to allow it anymore, Angel had a private choreographer and a vocal coach and Manager. Angel took Music seriously by joining the school choir and performing in several big musical productions. Angel took theater arts and drama on seriously completing 4years of academic theatrical and drama classes, as well as being lead in her school play "She's got the look". She took part in her church choir and later landed the gig as one of the 3 leads in her church band and began song writing and a musical /dance group and was managed. Group of 2 female vocalist titled "Angels". "We spent every lunch period and after school writing music, practicing, and more practicing." "We even posted signs at the local super market when we were auditioning for a third group member." Turmoil came when Angel's mother said no music group . After High school Angel attended film school to continue the pursue of her career and future in Acting . Angel was working her first job babysitting kids in her church when she was and also working at a grocery store, when two guys walked in and purchased a magazine, "I will never forget that magazine" She says "It was Makes and Models, and I saw the two most beautiful young women I had ever seen, from that moment on I was determined to be in a magazine, that magazine." After doing more research coincidentally the editor was based out her home town she contacted the Magazine and they booked her for the job and later released the Magazine which she was centerfold and cover model. Angel was the first Makes and Models, Model that got to shoot with the magazine owner's prized "Makes Model Show Car". Angel was also the youngest of her friends and first to excel in modeling. From then on Angel was their main spokes model and went to appear on multiple covers and ads for them. Including on the cover of the top 50 sexiest models.
In Angel's first editorial and magazine cover. Angel was interviewed and the questionnaire was put into the magazine and Makes and Models editor wrote the article saying how Angel looked a lot like Britney Spears. They feature a entire article about this in the magazine she was in. It wasn't the first time Monroe heard this. She was interviewed on the radio station and they did whole segment on how she looked like Spears. She says she remembers going to state fairs and Las Vegas and people yelling out "Britney, Britney" Angel Found it very flattering. Adapting a new nickname by friends "Baby Britney " Soon Angel picked up a gig in Florida performing in arena's and expos as a paid Britney imitator. The talent shows were all professionally set up and choreographed. Angel would memorize Britney song's and sing and dance. She had the exact costumes Britney had and everything.
This wasn't enough for Angel she wanted to have a name of her own. So after shooting her first Magazine cover and layout. Being one of the most sold Makes Models Magazine's ever. The owner decided to bring her to all the car shows, expos, conventions, and so on to do autograph signing's and pictures for fans. Angel then starting performing her own stuff. Anxious and excited she pitched the idea to Owner of the Magazine. And he thought long and hard for a few seconds, and replied "Sure why not?!" And so Angel was so eager to begin. It was not long before Angel Monroe's dreams were coming true. She began performing and practicing with the girls and gave her group the name "Sweet Sensations" this was perfect for her, since she had all the publicity she needed right there being published in the magazines. Angel had costumes and lots of fans come out to watch. Angel was so excited, upon meeting her best friend Marcus he immediately took her to producers who had a studio and said Angel should start to record. The guys came up with beats for Angel to listen to and decide which ones for her song. Angel felt it wasn't the right quality to put out for her and could tarnish her. She wanted to wait till she met the right people and had faith she would. Still performing she got an offer from Honda to be the face of the Honda Element new Suv that was about to release. Angel accepted the deal and was the national face of Honda Element. Then the local radio station in Tampa, Fl 98.7 picked her up to do some published modeling for the radio station. At Angel was growing and moving fast into her love for the arts Angel was offered multiple magazines spreads and covers after this.
Angel was walking through the mall and a Talent Agent approached her offered to meet them for their Fashion week, Angel took the offer and attended the fashion week and met lots of well known music producers Lou Pearlman being one she always loved, and many Big time Modeling Agents Ny Models,La Models,Elite,Bmg, Wilhelmina to name a few were there. Angel started doing petite run way shows. Runway for models under 5'9. At her first runway show she was signed with BMG Models for their Chicago and Orlando division as well as Edge Models in Atlanta. With continued success Angel Began traveling and later quit her jobs so she could model full time. Angel always knew she would live in California. After a year of much success Modeling in several National Magazines, Acting, Singing ,Dancing in her hometown and traveling to La constantly for work, she decided it was time to look for a place in Los Angeles. A few weeks later her and her good friend were offered a Pictoral in a Fitness Magazine to shoot for their centerfold. The two flew to L.A. To shoot for the National Fitness Magazine . After doing several magazines and flying to LA to work Angel knew that this was all meant to be, seeing and hearing sign after sign. From Agents, Magazines, even Psychics. It all came natural. She was always told by Industry Professionals she had a great look and was an amazing actress. Angel found her place in LA and Her Best Friend and trainer Krissi couldn't watch her go, so came with her to LA, and she was off to the West Coast. Angel decided to move to Wilshire the part of LA that looks like New York City with all the high rise condominiums. She wanted a change from the Beach she grew up on and knew as home. Her first night before Krissy arrived, she was in tears looking out the window at the loud cars and high buildings and no more living on the water she was in a high rise with a view of the city not beach unlike her home beach town of Florida. Cars going by loudly 24hours a day and living in a building with indoor elevators was unheard of to this former beach girl. Krissi missed her family and boyfriend and tried to find a job and couldn't handle LA's fast pace , so she went back home. Now Angel has an extra room empty and is all alone. Going out and meeting new people was hard being under 21. So Angel was organized and turn what was Kristi's room into her office. She had no idea where to start and was getting lost everywhere. So she hired an assistant and enrolled in one of the most notable Acting Institutes The Lee Strasberg Film Theatre Institute. Marcus, Angel's best friend had an opportunity to meet a A R executive from Capital Records. Marcus showed him the tape of Angel performing and Capital said "she has an excellent look and voice and she can dance, let's get a demo of her. "Angel was excited to hear this, but young, green , and naive... Angel ultimately made the regretful decision to put off the demo process. Angel was focused on Acting working on film at the time. The stress of finding the perfect producer to make that demo and auditioning for movies/TV was all so new to her in this new huge city of L.A. where she resided all alone. No family or friends from home, except her best friend Marcus.
Monroe was asked to audition for a television show Fight for Fame For E! Entertainment. Still green, but Angel was slowly finding her way. She booked the show, Also the show featured Angel performing the monologue she wrote. Angel was reaching new heights in the film and television industry fast. Angel continued to study the arts of acting. On E! Tv show Fight for Fame , Angel was told once again she looked like Spears and to do a little imitation of her for the network while filming. Because of copyrights she couldn't sing like she did for the network before filming but she had a chance to dance a little freestyle bit. Angel had caught the eye of Playboy and respectfully turned that offer down. She wasn't looking for that type of work. And wanted to stay true to the main stream entertainment in the arts. Angel audition for American Idol Corey Clark for his music video "Outta of Control" Angel was asked to freestyle dance on the spot she did, and out of the thousands of talent that auditioned for the lead role in Corey Clark's music video Angel landed the job.
Next Angel was seen dancing it up on Mtv now in Corey Clark's video which she gained much recognition and publicity. Angel auditioned for another TV show about actors trying to make it in Hollywood called "Hellbent for Hollywood" "One of the most intense auditions." She recalls. "There was like thousands of actors brought in for this audition, they didn't even tell you what you were going to have to do either...when I got in the room, there was a panel of judges like on American Idol." "There was these big bright 'set' lights and I had to sit in a chair and there was like 5 huge cameras on me." They asked Miss Monroe "So what do you bring to the table besides acting?" Angel replies "well I can RAP!" So they put her to the test "Let's hear it!" they said. Angel began to rap freestyle and blew their socks off. "They were just jaw dropped, that I can actually rap LOL!" Angel got the job! Booking more and more When Angel first came to la she tried out for her first ever feature film! "American Asian" Release title "Great. Auditions were more intense than ever before. Angel had to sing in the film since the film role was for the part of an inspiring singer. She also had to know how to play softball/baseball and most importantly act. "During call backs it was so intense, Roger the director is really a perfectionist. I basically had to memorize the entire script, and had to attend call back after call back." In the end Angel knew it was meant to be as she booked not only the first feature film she had ever tried out for or did. But she also booked the starring role! Monroe took every day on set very serious and it was all about perfecting her craft.
Angel started to book film after film she went on, after that. As well as various print projects and television projects. She attended and graduated from Lee Strasberg Film and Theater Instuite attends UCLA where she takes a film and theater classes . It's always been an aspiration write a book. So after one year in the big city of LA Angel developed and matured as a wonderful, talented , respected, extremely versatile, Model/Actress/Artist. Angel was appearing on Television. Tv Pilots. Commercials.Music Video's Lead girl, Short films and cast in 3 Feature Films. Angel Is extremely versatile playing A high school student in Feature Film 'Finale,' A college girl next door /tom boy in Great American Dream .Angel took a much needed break after non stop years of work in the business and no breaks. Losing her best friend Marcus to a tragic, devastating death, suicide. She decided to take a good amount of time off to travel and have a social life and enjoy her youth. Finally Angel is back to work and ready to put her best foot forward. There are so many choices in life and those decisions determine your future. So chose wise. "Something I had to learn". Says, Angel. Angel is back now and acting and modeling again. Most recently shooting an international campaign for MicaBella cosmetics and an International Catalog for the Miss USA Organization. Angel has worked since she was on child and on Tv show Solved for TLC, Discovery Channel, Revenge, 90210, Conan O'Brien. Finale Feature Film was screened Chinese movie theatre in Hollywood. Finale won best independent horror in several states and been bought out by Image Entertainment. Finale aired in select regional and international theaters. Also cast for pilot "America's next it girl " for E! In the audition they asked if angel had any special skills she noted she could sing like Britney and did and nailed her the part . Angel is working diligently on ideas and is ecstatic about this since one of her gifts is her creativity and individuality. With new heights Angel is focused on her music abilities again .She continues to act, and just concluded two new Tv spots, one for Paramount. It was so great of show acting wise, but also musically for me, I worked in an amazing studio in Burbank, met some amazing people, and got to even connect dance with Britney's, Lady Ga Ga and Madonna's Dance choreographers." Thanks to the show Pageant vs playmates . Angel got to meet in the studio for one the filming segments where there was little singing competition. At first nervous angel stumbled and messed up as the executive laughed Angel said don't make me take lyrics of this song and instrumental and rap it. They said oh so you think you can rap go ahead . Angel's perfect blend of unique style stunned executives they replied "where did that come from ? Why are you not rapping professionally " Going on to meet Nick cannon and working along side N'credible and working a gig on Internet radio station and renting a room from actor Corey Feldman also back up singing for him giving the smash idea of Corey's angels. Miss Monroe Had opportunities met many notable artist to work with so Angel decided to start solo so she could write her own songs with an Arsenal of lyrics and writing and her creative Genuis original concepts she will be an asset to any venture in creative projects she takes on.
"Music has always been my biggest passion in life, and I finally realize its where I need to be, where I come Alive, and it never seems to leave me, even when I chose to abandon it, it always found me." She shares. In memory of her greatest inspiration Italian singer Joseph Russo August 22, 1931 - April 30, 2019. "Everything from this day forward is for you " Angel will continue to come out with music.
In summary Angel Monroe has developed and matured as a wonderful, talented, well liked and respected artist. Monroe's passionate about her craft as she embodies such a creative nature and extremely versatile talent, who can adapt to any role with the quick wit and charm and ability to think on her feet. No Challenge is too big, Angel continues to grow as an artist to bring Hollywood extraordinary sought after talent.