Amber heard
.mw-parser-output .ts-comment-commentedText{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}@media(hover:none){.mw-parser-output .ts-comment-commentedText:not(.rt-commentedText){border-bottom:0;cursor:auto}}Название
U 002C
#44; или #x2c;
Запята́я (,) — знак препинания в русском и многих других языках. Как и точка, иногда используется как десятичный разделитель.
Как знак препинания
В русском языке запятая используется на письме: для обособления (выделения):
- определений, если определение находится после определяемого слова, либо имеет добавочное обстоятельственное значение, либо в случаях, когда определяемое слово является именем собственным или личным местоимением,
- обстоятельств, кроме тех случаев, когда обстоятельство является фразеологизмом; также в случаях, когда обстоятельство выражено существительным с предлогом (кроме предлогов невзирая на, несмотря на), запятая ставится факультативно.
Также при использовании:
- причастных и деепричастных оборотов,
- обращений,
- уточнений,
- междометий,
- вводных слов (по некоторым источникам, вводные слова входят в состав обособленных обстоятельств, по другим — нет),
Для разделения:
- между частями сложносочинённого, сложноподчинённого или сложного бессоюзного предложения;
- между прямой речью и косвенной, если косвенная речь стоит после прямой речи, а сама прямая речь не заканчивается знаками «!» и «?»; в этом случае после запятой (если она поставлена) всегда ставится тире.
- при однородных членах.
Как десятичный разделитель
В числовой записи, в зависимости от принятого в том или ином языке стандарта, запятой разделяются целая и дробная части либо разряды по три цифры между собой. В частности, в русском языке принято отделение дробной части запятой, а разрядов друг от друга пробелами; в английском языке принято отделение дробной части точкой, а разрядов друг от друга запятыми.
В информатике
В языках программирования запятая используется в основном при перечислении — например, аргументов функций, элементов массива.
Является разделителем в представлении табличных данных в текстовом формате CSV.
В Юникоде символ присутствует с самой первой версии в первом блоке Основная латиница (англ. Basic Latin) под кодом U 002C, совпадающим с кодом в ASCII.
На современных компьютерных клавиатурах запятую можно набрать двумя способами:
Запятая находится в нижнем регистре на клавише Del цифровой клавиатуры, если выбран русский региональный стандарт. Более правильно говорить, что в нижнем регистре на клавише Del цифровой клавиатуры находится десятичный разделитель для текущего регионального стандарта. Для США это будет точка. Запятая находится в верхнем регистре русской раскладки (набрать запятую можно лишь нажав клавишу ⇧ Shift. Существует мнение, что это неправильно, поскольку замедляет скорость набора текста (в русском языке запятая встречается чаще точки, для набора которой нажимать ⇧ Shift не требуется)[1].В культуре
- В детской считалочке:
Точка, точка, запятая —
Вышла рожица кривая,
Палка, палка, огуречик,
Получился человечек.
- В повести Лии Гераскиной «В стране невыученных уроков» Запятая является одной из подданных Глагола. Она описывается как горбатая старуха. Злится на Витю Перестукина за то, что тот постоянно ставит её не на место. В мультфильме «В стране невыученных уроков» Запятая также является подданной Глагола, но изображена иначе. Она выглядит не как старуха, а как девочка. Кроме того, она не такая злючка, хотя всё равно жалуется на то, что Витя ставит её не на место.
Варианты и производные
Средневековая, перевёрнутая и повышенная запятыеlink rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-dаta:TemplateStyles:r117908877">Изображение
⹌: medieval comma
⸴: raised comma
⸲: turned comma
⹌: U 2E4C
⸴: U 2E34
⸲: U 2E32
⹌: #11852; или #x2e4c;
⸴: #11828; или #x2e34;
⸲: #11826; или #x2e32;
⹌: 0x2E4C
⸴: 0x2E34
⸲: 0x2E32
⹌: ⹌
⸴: ⸴
⸲: ⸲
В средневековых рукописях использовался ранний вариант запятой, выглядевший как точка с правым полукругом сверху. Для определённых сокращений использовался и знак повышенной запятой (⸴)[2].
В фонетической транскрипции Palaeotype для индикации назализации использовалась перевёрнутая запятая[3][4].
Все три символа закодированы в Юникоде в блоке Дополнительная пунктуация (англ. Supplemental Punctuation) под кодами U 2E4C, U 2E34 и U 2E32 соответственно.
См. также
.mw-parser-output .ts-Родственный_проект{background:#f8f9fa;border:1px solid #a2a9b1;clear:right;float:right;font-size:90%;margin:0 0 1em 1em;padding:.4em;max-width:19em;width:19em;line-height:1.5}.mw-parser-output .ts-Родственный_проект th,.mw-parser-output .ts-Родственный_проект td{padding:.2em 0;vertical-align:middle}.mw-parser-output .ts-Родственный_проект th td{padding-left:.4em}@media(max-width:719px){.mw-parser-output .ts-Родственный_проект{width:auto;margin-left:0;margin-right:0}}- Серийная запятая
- Точка
- Точка с запятой
- Число с плавающей запятой
↑ Лебедев А. А. Ководство. § 105. Трагедия запятой. Студия Артемия Лебедева (14 июня 2004). Дата обращения: 17 мая 2019. Архивировано 12 декабря 2007 года. ↑ ichael Everson (editor), Peter Baker, Florian Grammel, Odd Einar Haugen. Proposal to add Medievalist punctuation characters to the UCS (англ.) (PDF) (25 января 2016). Дата обращения: 17 мая 2019. Архивировано 15 декабря 2017 года. ↑ Michael Everson. Proposal to encode six punctuation characters in the UCS (англ.) (PDF) (5 декабря 2009). Дата обращения: 17 мая 2019. Архивировано 7 апреля 2016 года. ↑ Simon Ager. Dialectal Paleotype (англ.) (htm). Omniglot. Дата обращения: 17 мая 2019.Ссылки
- , на сайте (англ.)
- ⹌ на сайте (англ.)
- ⸴ на сайте (англ.)
- ⸲ на сайте (англ.)
- Орфографические правила употребления запятой на
- Брокгауза и Ефрона
- Britannica (онлайн)
- Britannica (онлайн)
- BNF: 162295578
- SUDOC: 146880978
- Точка (.)
- Запятая (,)
- Точка с запятой (;)
- Двоеточие (:)
- Восклицательный знак (!)
- Вопросительный знакli>
- Многоточиеli>
- Дефис (‐)
- Дефис-минус (-)
- Неразрывный дефис (‑)
- Тиреli>
- Скобки ([ ], ( ), { }, ⟨ ⟩)
- Кавычки („ “, « », “ ”, ‘ ’, ‹ ›)
- Двойной вопросительный знакli>
- Двойной восклицательный знакli>
- Вопросительный и восклицательный знакli>
- Восклицательный и вопросительный знакli>
- Иронический знак (⸮)
- Интерробанг (‽)
- Предложенные Эрве Базеном (, , , , , )
- Перевёрнутый восклицательный знак (¡)
- Перевёрнутый вопросительный знак (¿)
- Перевёрнутый интерробанг (⸘)
- Китайская и японская пунктуацияli>
- Паияннои (ฯ, ຯ, ។)
- Апатарц (՚)
- Шешт (՛)
- Бацаканчакан ншан (՜)
- Бут (՝)
- Харцакан ншан (՞)
- Патив (՟)
- Верджакет (։)
- Ентамна (֊)
- Колон (·)
- Гиподиастола (⸒)
- Коронис (⸎)
- Параграфос (⸏)
- Дипла (⸖)
- Гереш (׳)
- Гершаим (״)
- Нун хафуха (׆)
- Иоритэн (〽)
- Средневековая запятая (⹌)
- Повышенная запятая (⸴)
- Двойной дефис (⸗, ⹀)
- Двойное тире (⸺)
Trending Amber Heard News
29/07/22 08:43
Johnny Depp's debut four-piece art collection featuring Al Pacino (top left), Bob Dylan (top right), Keith Richards (bottom left) and Elizabeth Taylor (bottom right) sold for $18,000. The actor's entire 'Friends Heroes' collection, which was based on people the 59-year-old actor knew well and who have inspired him in person, went for a jaw-dropping $3.6 million in total. Seller Castle Fine Art described the pieces as being an intimate reflection of their character in Depp's eyes; a portrayal of how they have revealed themselves to him. The collection, an intersection of 'Pop Art' and 'Street Art,' has been dubbed 'pop art with a feeling.'
Depp sells his debut artwork collection for a jaw-dropping $3.6M28/07/22 16:56
Johnny Depp's lawyer Camille Vazquez said The Pirates of the Caribbean actor would've moved on if his ex-wife, Amber Heard, didn't file an appeal to overturn the more than $10million settlement.
Johnny Depp would have moved on if Amber Heard did not file an appeal22/07/22 23:51
Depp believes it is time the pair 'move on with their lives,' but since Heard pursued further action, he must counter-appeal to ensure all relevant information is considered by the appeals court.
Johnny Depp appeals single conviction for defaming Amber Heard19/07/22 17:42 can reveal Depp's mystery woman is actually his French tutor, Mathilde Beltran and that their relationship is 'strictly professional.' Beltran is helping Depp hone in his French for his new movie.
Johnny Depp's new mystery lady is his French teacher Mathilde Beltran18/07/22 14:07
Johnny Depp appeared to be in a good mood as he arrived to a rehearsal at the Arena Santa Giuliana on Sunday in the presence of a red-haired mystery woman.
Johnny Depp is seen arriving to rehearsal with a mystery woman18/07/22 01:52
Johnny Depp appeared to be in a good mood as he arrived to a rehearsal at the Arena Santa Giuliana on Sunday in the presence of a red-haired mystery woman.
Johnny Depp is seen arriving to rehearsal with a mystery woman15/07/22 16:01
Johnny Depp met cancer survivor Katie Vandrilla in 2011 when he granted her a 'wish' via Make-A-Wish while filming Tim Burton's Dark Shadows.
Johnny Depp pens foreword to children's book by Make-A-Wish survivor15/07/22 13:52
The happy couple were spotted laughing and joking with the Pirates of the Caribbean star in a backstage area of his European tour with guitarist Jeff Beck, 79, on July 11.
Johnny Depp reunites with star lawyer Camille Vasquez at his concert15/07/22 13:21
The happy couple were spotted laughing and joking with the Pirates of the Caribbean star in a backstage area of his European tour with guitarist Jeff Beck, 79, on July 11.
Johnny Depp reunites with star lawyer Camille Vasquez at his concert13/07/22 13:11
Taking to Twitter, viewers of the clip slammed Doja for the 'cruel and redundant' sound bite whilst others added that 'thousands of people' did the same last month.
Doja Cat under fire after mimicking Amber Heard's viral testimony13/07/22 11:47
Mickey Rourke has branded friend Johnny Depp's ex wife Amber Heard a 'gold-digger.'
Mickey Rourke calls Amber Heard a gold-digger12/07/22 09:52
Mr Depp's legal team are urging a Virginia judge to leave his $10million defamation judgment intact after attorneys for his ex-wife called the jury's verdict 'nonsensical and unfounded.'
Johnny Depp fires back at Amber Heard's 'desperate' bid for a retrial10/07/22 16:19
Johnny Depp has seemingly taken inspiration from his past relationship with Amber Heard to pen two scathing new songs on his forthcoming album with Jeff Beck.
Johnny Depp seemingly slams ex-wife Amber Heard on his upcoming album10/07/22 15:34
Amber Heard's insurance company is refusing to cover part of the $8.3million in damages the actress owes ex-husband Johnny Depp following her defamation trial in May.
Amber Heard insurance company refuse to cover damages owed Johnny Depp09/07/22 05:27
Amber Heard's insurance company is refusing to cover part of the $8.3million in damages the actress owes ex-husband Johnny Depp after her defamation trial.
Amber Heard insurance company REFUSE to cover damages owed Johnny Depp09/07/22 01:48
Amber Heard's legal team on Friday filed a claim for a mistrial, arguing that a 77-year-old person sat on the jury instead of the 52-year-old who had been summoned. They lived at the same address.
Heard claims juror who sided with Depp PRETENDED to be person summoned07/07/22 22:04
Johnny Depp is set to star in his first film since his defamation trial against ex-wife Amber Heard, a French period film called 'La Favorite,' where he will play French king Louis XV.
Johnny Depp to return to film as King Louis XV in Netflix feature07/07/22 04:31
Australian politician Barnaby Joyce has called for Amber Heard to be jailed if she is found to have committed perjury during her 2015 dog-smuggling furore
Joyce calls for Heard to be jailed if found to have committed perjury07/07/22 02:16
A TV host has questioned whether one of Amber Heard's dogs is 'missing' after doing a 'deep dive' of the Aquaman star's Instagram account and finding no trace of her Yorkshire Terrier Boo
Amber Heard's Yorkshire Terrier Boo has 'gone missing' says TV host04/07/22 12:29
Amber Heard's legal team filed a motion to have the verdict of her blockbuster defamation trial against ex-husband Johnny Depp thrown out and the case re-tried.
Amber Heard demands that Johnny Depp defamation verdict is overturned03/07/22 20:39
Lawyers representing Heard, 36, filed the motion on Friday on the grounds that the verdict that she had defamed Depp, 59, was not supported by evidence.
Amber Heard demands that defamation verdict be overturned03/07/22 02:54
Johnny Depp took advantage of 'a little lull in Stockholm between shows' and heads out on boat ride, as rep denies report he's returning to Pirates Of The Caribbean via $300 million deal.
Johnny Depp enjoys 'lull in Stockholm between shows' with boat ride30/06/22 14:36
Amber Heard is facing yet another potential legal battle - this time in Australia - just weeks after losing her high-profile defamation trial against her ex-husband Johnny Depp.
Amber Heard is investigated for allegations of perjury in Australia30/06/22 06:00
Amber Heard could face another legal battle in Australia after losing her high-profile defamation trial against ex-husband Johnny Depp earlier this month
Amber Heard is investigated for allegations of perjury in Australia29/06/22 00:14
Dolph Lundgren is opening up about his experiences filming Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom with his embattled co-star Amber Heard.
Dolph Lundgren reveals Amber Heard was 'great' during Aquaman 228/06/22 19:05
The actor, 59, was snapped by his hotel two weeks ago, cutting a casual figure as he threw on a camouflage print jacket.
Johnny Depp sports camouflage jacket and grey cap in Paris28/06/22 13:49
Johnny Depp caught the eye as he headed to the airport in Paris after undergoing a costume fitting for a new movie - his first in more than two years.
Clean-shaven Johnny Depp, 59, reveals his new braided hairstyle27/06/22 18:16
The movie, director by French filmmaker Maiwenn Le Besco, sees the actor portray King Louie XV and will be his first movie since winning his defamation trail against Amber Heard.
Johnny Depp dons a suede fringe jacket and styles his hair in braids27/06/22 13:55
Johnny Depp is reportedly set 'to return' to Pirates of the Caribbean after being dropped from the franchise in 2018.
Johnny Depp is set 'to return' to Pirates of the Caribbean27/06/22 12:37
The actor, 59, is reportedly set 'to return' to Pirates of the Caribbean after being dropped from the franchise in 2018.
Depp 'to return' to Pirates of the Caribbean with '$300 million deal'27/06/22 12:17
The former Beatles singer, 80, sung his track My Valentine while Depp, 59, followed using sign language on a screen behind him on the famous Pyramid Stage.
PR experts on Paul McCartney's show of support for Johnny Depp26/06/22 00:48
Sir Paul McCartney, 80, played a clip of Johnny Depp from an old music video as he headlined Glastonbury on Saturday night.
Paul McCartney divides opinion with Johnny Depp clip at Glastonbury24/06/22 01:45
Vasquez, 37, who has gained a celebrity status of her own since she defended Depp, 59, in the blockbuster defamation trial against Amber Heard, 36, was seen stepping out of an SUV
Johnny Depp's Lawyer, Camille Vasquez,, flashes big smile in NYC22/06/22 20:21
The American actor, 59, will be heading on an overseas tour next year with his bandmates Alice Cooper, Joe Perry and Tommy Henriksen.
Johnny Depp reunites with Hollywood Vampires for overseas tour22/06/22 19:33
'If I had done this, I'd be a piece of shit. And I don't think that's really questionable,' Smollett said in the Sway's SiriusXM episode aired on his 40th birthday on Monday.
Jussie Smollett insists he did not lie about homophobic attack22/06/22 02:19
A source close to the Aquaman actress told OK! Magazine on Tuesday that Heard, 36, was 'broke' and not 'in a position to turn down money,' so she will be writing a tell-all book to earn income.
Amber Heard to 'write tell-all book' because she's 'broke'21/06/22 12:18
Elon Musk is now dating flame-haired Australian actress Natasha Bassett, 30, with the couple getting together only months after the Tesla billionaire's September 2021 split from Canadian singer Grimes.
Inside billionaire Elon Musk's VERY complicated love life20/06/22 12:03
During the trial, Depp confirmed to Heard's lawyer that not even '$300 million and a million alpacas' could get him to go back to work with Disney on a Pirates of the Caribbean film.
Depp fans slam Disneyland Paris for projecting him as Jack Sparrow20/06/22 11:00
Johnny Depp, 59, whipped fans into a frenzy as he took to the stage with Jeff Beck, 77, at the Helsinki Blues Festival in Finland on Sunday.
Johnny Depp surprises fans with new clean-shaven look at music concert20/06/22 10:01
The 36-year-old actress and her sister Whitney Henriquez indulged in an evening of bargain shopping at the Bridgehampton retail store.
Amber Heard shops at TJ Maxx after being told to pay Johnny Depp $8.3M19/06/22 21:08
Johnny Depp, 59, whipped fans into a frenzy as he took to the stage with Jeff Beck, 77, at the Helsinki Blues Festival in Finland on Sunday.
Johnny Depp performs after Amber Heard repeats defamation claims19/06/22 20:03
The 36-year-old actress and her sister Whitney Henriquez indulged in an evening of bargain shopping at the Bridgehampton retail store.
Amber Heard is spotted bargain shopping at TJ Maxx in New York19/06/22 11:26
Heard, 36, spoke to NBC's Dateline in a chat screened in its entirety for the first time on Friday and told Savannah Guthrie that she was 'terrified' of telling her side of the story.
Heard says Depp's exes are scared to publicly accuse him of violence18/06/22 03:51
Amber Heard has reiterated her allegations against Johnny Depp, in an interview on NBC broadcast on Friday night. She said speaking out was terrifying, but she had no regrets.
Heard: 'Scariest thing talking of sex violence is not being believed'17/06/22 20:39
Guthrie made the revelation when she sat down with Depp's star lawyers Camille Vasquez and Benjamin Chew in the days after the verdict.
Savannah Guthrie should NOT have interviewed Amber Heard, experts say17/06/22 18:38
MCCAIN: A lot of the pent-up anger over MeToo has been unfairly unleashed on one woman. Heard has come to represent what many see as women who weaponized a movement for their own gain.
MEGHAN MCCAIN: Heard should FIRE her public relations team and go away17/06/22 14:32
The 36-year-old actress issued a bold ultimatum to her ex-husband via a spokesperson on Friday, hours before her explosive sit-down with Savannah Guthrie is due to air in full on Dateline.
Amber Heard challenges Johnny Depp to do his own TV interview16/06/22 21:53
NBC's Peacock released a 20-minute preview clip from the 36-year-old's wide-ranging sit-down with Savannah Guthrie on Thursday, one day before the full interview is due to air on Dateline.
Amber Heard releases therapist notes about alleged Johnny Depp abuse16/06/22 16:00
The mechanical prop was used in the movie's iconic scene when character Edward used his blades to turn an ice angel into a snow flurry for Kim, played by Winona Ryder.
Johnny Depp's Edward Scissorhands glove is set to sell for $50k16/06/22 13:04
The male juror spoke anonymously to Good Morning America to say that he and the other jurors were 'uncomfortable' with how Heard stared at them throughout the trial.
Depp v Heard juror says none of them believed her 'crocodile tears'15/06/22 12:53
Heard, 36, sat down for an interview with the Today show's Savannah Guthrie, which was taped on Thursday and aired in part on Wednesday morning; it will be shown in full on Dateline on Friday.
Amber Heard admits she 'still loves' Johnny Depp15/06/22 04:56
Cooper Lawrence has savaged Amber Heard's defiant new interview with Today's Savannah Guthrie, less than two weeks after she was found to have defamed her ex-husband by accusing him of abuse
Amber Heard's Today interview branded 'weird' by Sunrise commentator14/06/22 21:08
Sources claimed to Just Jared that the 36-year-old is officially being dropped from the sequel to her 2018 movie Aquaman, in which she starred alongside Jason Momoa.
Amber Heard 'is being CUT from Aquaman 2' after Johnny Depp trial loss14/06/22 16:54
During the interview, the actress, 36, doubled down on allegations that Depp, 59, was physically violent towards her and accused him of lying, which according to lawyer Nicole Haff, could backfire on her.
Expert says Amber Heard's new interview could result in third lawsuit14/06/22 16:31
During the shocking new interview, the actress, 36, called Johnny Depp a 'liar' and insisted that she's going to 'stand by every word of her testimony until the day she dies.'
Social media slams Amber Heard after Today show interview14/06/22 12:52
Heard, 36, sat down for an interview with the Today show's Savannah Guthrie, which was taped on Thursday and aired in part on Tuesday morning; it will be shown in full on Dateline on Friday.
Amber Heard accuses Johnny Depp of physical abuse AGAIN: 'He lied'13/06/22 15:56
Robert, 57, said to old friend Johnny, 59: 'John, thank God it's over' - with news of the call coming amid Amber's claims the defamation trial verdict is 'unfair'.
Robert Downey Jr. celebrates Johnny Depp's trial win13/06/22 13:10
The 36-year-old Aquaman actress jetted from Virginia to New York on Thursday for a day trip with her sister Whitney and her assistant, before returning to D.C. later in the day.
Amber Heard is seen for first time since bombshell Johnny Depp verdict13/06/22 13:00
Heard, 36, sat down for an interview with the Today show's Savannah Guthrie, which was taped on Friday and aired on Monday morning.
Amber Heard slams 'unfair' trial against Johnny Depp on social media10/06/22 22:56
Kate Moss was a star witness in Johnny Depp's defamation case against Amber Heard and now it seems she is is paying the ultimate fan tribute of copying the actor's style.
Kate Moss pays tribute to Depp by copying style during Cotswolds trip10/06/22 20:00
The 36-year-old Aquaman actress jetted from Virginia to New York on Thursday for a day trip with her sister Whitney and her assistant, before returning to D.C. later in the day.
Amber Heard is seen for first time since bombshell Johnny Depp verdict10/06/22 16:17
Despite his ongoing controversies, Dior is sticking by Johnny Depp. The French fashion house appears to be putting old ads for its Sauvage cologne with Depp back into rotation.
Johnny Depp's Dior ad goes back into rotation after he wins lawsuit09/06/22 23:24
Vasquez, 37, opened up about her preparation for Depp's six-week defamation trial against his ex-wife Amber Heard in a new interview with People.
Johnny Depp's lawyer Camille Vasquez praises the actor's 'bravery'09/06/22 11:44
The Oscar-winning star, 63, has suggested that the high-profile US court fight between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp would not 'derail' MeToo if women continue to 'keep on talking'.
Amber Heard case should not derail MeToo, suggests Emma Thompson09/06/22 10:48
The 58-year-old actor has racked up over 10 million followers on the social media app within 24 hours of his first video.
Johnny Depp racks up 10 million TikTok followers within 24 hours08/06/22 18:14
Johnny Depp's glamorous attorney Camille Vasquez is throwing her support behind the actor beyond the courtroom, weeks after helping him secure a $15million verdict in his defamation trial.
Camille Vasquez says she's a fan of Johnny Depp's music08/06/22 13:51
The one-bedroom, two-bathroom, which spans 1,780 sq. feet, is located in the Eastern Columbia Building, where Depp, 58, once owned five properties.
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's former LA penthouse on market for $1.76M08/06/22 13:12
Johnny Depp's attorneys appeared on multiple shows on Wednesday morning to slam Amber Heard's claims the trial was unfair.
Johnny Depp's lawyers slam Amber Heard's claim trial was unfair08/06/22 09:54
Big Brother housemates Tim Dormer and Estelle Landy took shots at each other on social media on Tuesday, before Tim took things too far, according to fans watching the feud.
Big Brother's Tim Dormer comes under fire for Amber Heard tweet08/06/22 03:07
Amber Heard on Tuesday evening issued a statement condemning her ex-husband Johnny Depp for saying that he is 'moving forward'. She declared: 'women's rights are moving backward.'
Amber Heard slams Johnny Depp for his TikTok thanking his fans08/06/22 02:48
The one-bedroom, two-bathroom, which spans 1,780 sq. feet, is located in the Eastern Columbia Building, where Depp, 58, once owned five properties.
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's former LA penthouse on market for $1.76M07/06/22 21:56
The court stenographer for the Johnny Depp libel case against Amber Heard said that jurors forced to sit through hours of video depositions would often doze off in court.
Johnny Depp v Amber Heard court stenographer claims jurors dozed off07/06/22 16:24
Johnny Depp has joined TikTok to thank fans for their support throughout his defamation trial against Amber Heard.
Johnny Depp joins TikTok to thank 5.1 million fans for their support07/06/22 06:44
The actor, 58, had garnered more than 1.6 million followers as of Monday evening on the account, on which he wrote 'Occasional Thespian' on his bio.
Johnny Depp joins TikTok after legal victory over ex-wife Amber Heard06/06/22 17:13
The actor, 58, who has been celebrating his dramatic defamation case victory over ex-wife Amber Heard , carried a mug in his hand as he was guided out of the Grand Hotel by his bodyguard.
Johnny Depp carries an empty mug as he leaves his hotel in Birmingham06/06/22 16:54
The 34-year-old Whitney declared to her nearly 30K Instagram followers that 'the truth is forever on your side' following the verdict in Amber Heard's legal battle with ex-husband Johnny Depp.
Amber Heard's sister Whitney shares supportive message for the star06/06/22 16:07
Amber Heard stayed in a luxury $22,500-a-month Virginia mansion during her blockbuster defamation trial against Johnny Depp, it has emerged.
Inside the $22,000-a-month mansion Amber Heard stayed in during trial06/06/22 15:43
The TV star, 69, has been outspoken about her support for Johnny throughout the explosive trial between the former couple.
Sharon Osbourne slams Johnny Depp and Amber Heard as 'ugly'06/06/22 15:25
The actor, 58, celebrated his dramatic defamation case victory over ex-wife Amber Heard by enjoying a curry in Birmingham with friends - and running up a whopping £50,000 bill.
Johnny Depp enjoys a lavish £50,000 curry in Birmingham06/06/22 06:56
Jennifer Robinson, who is best-known for her decade-long defence of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, successfully represented Amber Heard during Johnny Depp's defamation case in 2020.
Aussie lawyer hit with death threats years after defending Amber Heard