Анджелина джоли vogue
анджелина джоли vogue
You’re the special envoy for the UN Refugee Agency. You’ve been with them for 20 years, I think?
Twenty years this year.
I started in my early twenties, putting on my boots and backpack, and going out to try and figure out what the hell was going on in the world. I tried to give myself a broader education than I’d had at school. I grew up in a very empty place, in many ways, so had to go to find a wider understanding.
Have you changed through it?
I went through a phase of being so shocked and angry about a system that tolerates millions of people being displaced by war, genocide and persecution. I’m still just as angry about injustice, but whereas my younger self wanted to tear down the system, I’ve learnt I have to fight to try to change it from within.
How do you feel when you look back on your work with the UN?
I have a love-hate relationship with the UN. I love when I see practical solutions and protection for those in most need. I love to see people from around the world risking their lives for that. What I hate is how little focus governments have on actually solving the reasons people flee. I hate it when we don’t speak out and defend the rights of all people equally. And I hate when I feel the focus isn’t encouraging people and countries to be independent, but seems to benefit from them being broken.
Do you feel the discourse around refugees has evolved at all during the past two decades?
I think if anything it has worsened. We speak as if refugees are a burden. But they’ve had to adapt. They have a different skill set, a different look in their eye. They’ve confronted their own humanity in such a profound way. They’ve stood up to oppression. We should honour their fight. Honour the people who’ve fled bombs and protected their kids.
You’ve directed films and documentary films, and you’re about to go back behind the camera for the biopic of war photographer Don McCullin. Don is one of my favourite photojournalists – what made you want to adapt his autobiography for the big screen?
I’m still very nervous. Even the other day, I thought to email him to ask him some questions, and I was composing my email to get it just right. He’s incredible. The story is about Don, but it’s also equally about the conflicts he has been witness to, and the lives of the people within the now-famous photographs, who they were, and the often darker truth of those conflicts.
And you’ll be playing a big-screen comic-book creation later this year in Marvel’s ‘Eternals’, with Richard Madden and Salma Hayek. I hear that there might be a gold bodysuit involved?
I love this cast, and that we all came together. I signed up to support Chloé [Zhao]’s vision and Marvel’s commitment to expand the way we see “superheroes”. Running around in a gold bodysuit was not how I imagined my forties. But it’s good crazy, I think.
Do you feel as if you’re at a happy stage in your life?
I don’t know. The past few years have been pretty hard. I’ve been focusing on healing our family. It’s slowly coming back, like the ice melting and the blood returning to my body.
It’s a journey…
But I’m not there. I’m not there yet. But I hope to be. I’m planning on it. I do like being older. I feel much more comfortable in my forties than I did when I was younger. Maybe because… I don’t know… maybe because my mom didn’t live very long, so there’s something about age that feels like a victory instead of a sadness for me.
So I like it. I’m looking forward to my fifties – I feel that I’m gonna hit my stride in my fifties. Though we were on the trampoline the other day, and the children said, “No, Mom, don’t do that. You’ll hurt yourself.” And I thought, “God, isn’t that funny?” There was a day I was an action star, and now the kids are telling me to get off the trampoline because I’ll hurt myself.
I love that. Kids will always tell you how it is.
Even at their young age they know that what matters is to feel safe and loved and stable. To not see those you love harmed. To know your own mind and truth and not to live a lie.
Интервью с Анджелиной я ждал год, впрочем, обещанного c ней ждут и три. Почему-то считается, что такая встреча должна стать венцом журналистской карьеры. «Поговорить с Джоли? Вот так сразу? Гм. Пойдите потренируйтесь на Лее Сейду, а там посмотрим». В верхах долго обсуждали место, время, количество и суть вопросов. Некоторые темы были мягко, но решительно исключены. Так подробно я не согласовывал интервью даже с премьер-министром.
Впрочем, Анджелина тоже фигура политического масштаба: посол доброй воли при Комиссии ООН по делам беженцев. Победительница наследственного рака, сделавшая превентивные операции по удалению груди и яичников. Трижды разведенка. Мать-одиночка с шестью детьми на руках: трое своих, трое приемных — камбоджиец, эфиопка, вьетнамец. Режиссер кино с пятью отличными фильмами. Наконец, актриса. И лицо Mon Guerlain... «Надеемся на твое обаяние», — сказали мне коллеги из Vogue. Ох, нет, коллеги. Тут и Брэд Питт не справился, а уж ему обаяния не занимать.
Точка рандеву — на Елисейских Полях: старинный магазин отмечающего в этом году 190-летний юбилей Дома Guerlain. Сегодня бутик закрыт. Витрины на два этажа заклеены бумагой от любопытных. Маленькое окошечко. «Пароль? Отзыв. Проходи!» Где-то между флаконами и хрусталем открывается тайная дверь — и там она.
Думаешь встретить андроида из ее первого фильма «Киборг-2», а видишь прелестную, мягкую женщину в облегающем белом платье, после съемки в отеле Le Meurice немного уставшую, но очень красивую, с приветливой повадкой, готовую тебе улыбнуться. Мы устраиваемся рядом на диване и смотрим друг на друга. Начинает она:
— Откуда вы? Из России? А что делаете в Париже? А говорите ли по-французски? Я вот немножко говорю по-французски, но я стесняюсь. Зато хотя бы понимаю немало.