Jake gyllenhaal
.mw-parser-output .ts-comment-commentedText{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}@media(hover:none){.mw-parser-output .ts-comment-commentedText:not(.rt-commentedText){border-bottom:0;cursor:auto}}Название
U 002C
#44; или #x2c;
Запята́я (,) — знак препинания в русском и многих других языках. Как и точка, иногда используется как десятичный разделитель.
Как знак препинания
В русском языке запятая используется на письме: для обособления (выделения):
- определений, если определение находится после определяемого слова, либо имеет добавочное обстоятельственное значение, либо в случаях, когда определяемое слово является именем собственным или личным местоимением,
- обстоятельств, кроме тех случаев, когда обстоятельство является фразеологизмом; также в случаях, когда обстоятельство выражено существительным с предлогом (кроме предлогов невзирая на, несмотря на), запятая ставится факультативно.
Также при использовании:
- причастных и деепричастных оборотов,
- обращений,
- уточнений,
- междометий,
- вводных слов (по некоторым источникам, вводные слова входят в состав обособленных обстоятельств, по другим — нет),
Для разделения:
- между частями сложносочинённого, сложноподчинённого или сложного бессоюзного предложения;
- между прямой речью и косвенной, если косвенная речь стоит после прямой речи, а сама прямая речь не заканчивается знаками «!» и «?»; в этом случае после запятой (если она поставлена) всегда ставится тире.
- при однородных членах.
Как десятичный разделитель
В числовой записи, в зависимости от принятого в том или ином языке стандарта, запятой разделяются целая и дробная части либо разряды по три цифры между собой. В частности, в русском языке принято отделение дробной части запятой, а разрядов друг от друга пробелами; в английском языке принято отделение дробной части точкой, а разрядов друг от друга запятыми.
В информатике
В языках программирования запятая используется в основном при перечислении — например, аргументов функций, элементов массива.
Является разделителем в представлении табличных данных в текстовом формате CSV.
В Юникоде символ присутствует с самой первой версии в первом блоке Основная латиница (англ. Basic Latin) под кодом U 002C, совпадающим с кодом в ASCII.
На современных компьютерных клавиатурах запятую можно набрать двумя способами:
Запятая находится в нижнем регистре на клавише Del цифровой клавиатуры, если выбран русский региональный стандарт. Более правильно говорить, что в нижнем регистре на клавише Del цифровой клавиатуры находится десятичный разделитель для текущего регионального стандарта. Для США это будет точка. Запятая находится в верхнем регистре русской раскладки (набрать запятую можно лишь нажав клавишу ⇧ Shift. Существует мнение, что это неправильно, поскольку замедляет скорость набора текста (в русском языке запятая встречается чаще точки, для набора которой нажимать ⇧ Shift не требуется)[1].В культуре
- В детской считалочке:
Точка, точка, запятая —
Вышла рожица кривая,
Палка, палка, огуречик,
Получился человечек.
- В повести Лии Гераскиной «В стране невыученных уроков» Запятая является одной из подданных Глагола. Она описывается как горбатая старуха. Злится на Витю Перестукина за то, что тот постоянно ставит её не на место. В мультфильме «В стране невыученных уроков» Запятая также является подданной Глагола, но изображена иначе. Она выглядит не как старуха, а как девочка. Кроме того, она не такая злючка, хотя всё равно жалуется на то, что Витя ставит её не на место.
Варианты и производные
Средневековая, перевёрнутая и повышенная запятыеlink rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-dаta:TemplateStyles:r117908877">Изображение
⹌: medieval comma
⸴: raised comma
⸲: turned comma
⹌: U 2E4C
⸴: U 2E34
⸲: U 2E32
⹌: #11852; или #x2e4c;
⸴: #11828; или #x2e34;
⸲: #11826; или #x2e32;
⹌: 0x2E4C
⸴: 0x2E34
⸲: 0x2E32
⹌: ⹌
⸴: ⸴
⸲: ⸲
В средневековых рукописях использовался ранний вариант запятой, выглядевший как точка с правым полукругом сверху. Для определённых сокращений использовался и знак повышенной запятой (⸴)[2].
В фонетической транскрипции Palaeotype для индикации назализации использовалась перевёрнутая запятая[3][4].
Все три символа закодированы в Юникоде в блоке Дополнительная пунктуация (англ. Supplemental Punctuation) под кодами U 2E4C, U 2E34 и U 2E32 соответственно.
См. также
.mw-parser-output .ts-Родственный_проект{background:#f8f9fa;border:1px solid #a2a9b1;clear:right;float:right;font-size:90%;margin:0 0 1em 1em;padding:.4em;max-width:19em;width:19em;line-height:1.5}.mw-parser-output .ts-Родственный_проект th,.mw-parser-output .ts-Родственный_проект td{padding:.2em 0;vertical-align:middle}.mw-parser-output .ts-Родственный_проект th td{padding-left:.4em}@media(max-width:719px){.mw-parser-output .ts-Родственный_проект{width:auto;margin-left:0;margin-right:0}}- Серийная запятая
- Точка
- Точка с запятой
- Число с плавающей запятой
↑ Лебедев А. А. Ководство. § 105. Трагедия запятой. Студия Артемия Лебедева (14 июня 2004). Дата обращения: 17 мая 2019. Архивировано 12 декабря 2007 года. ↑ ichael Everson (editor), Peter Baker, Florian Grammel, Odd Einar Haugen. Proposal to add Medievalist punctuation characters to the UCS (англ.) (PDF) (25 января 2016). Дата обращения: 17 мая 2019. Архивировано 15 декабря 2017 года. ↑ Michael Everson. Proposal to encode six punctuation characters in the UCS (англ.) (PDF) (5 декабря 2009). Дата обращения: 17 мая 2019. Архивировано 7 апреля 2016 года. ↑ Simon Ager. Dialectal Paleotype (англ.) (htm). Omniglot. Дата обращения: 17 мая 2019.Ссылки
- , на сайте Scriptsource.org (англ.)
- ⹌ на сайте Scriptsource.org (англ.)
- ⸴ на сайте Scriptsource.org (англ.)
- ⸲ на сайте Scriptsource.org (англ.)
- Орфографические правила употребления запятой на gramota.ru
- Брокгауза и Ефрона
- Britannica (онлайн)
- Britannica (онлайн)
- BNF: 162295578
- SUDOC: 146880978
- Точка (.)
- Запятая (,)
- Точка с запятой (;)
- Двоеточие (:)
- Восклицательный знак (!)
- Вопросительный знакli>
- Многоточиеli>
- Дефис (‐)
- Дефис-минус (-)
- Неразрывный дефис (‑)
- Тиреli>
- Скобки ([ ], ( ), { }, ⟨ ⟩)
- Кавычки („ “, « », “ ”, ‘ ’, ‹ ›)
- Двойной вопросительный знакli>
- Двойной восклицательный знакli>
- Вопросительный и восклицательный знакli>
- Восклицательный и вопросительный знакli>
- Иронический знак (⸮)
- Интерробанг (‽)
- Предложенные Эрве Базеном (, , , , , )
- Перевёрнутый восклицательный знак (¡)
- Перевёрнутый вопросительный знак (¿)
- Перевёрнутый интерробанг (⸘)
- Китайская и японская пунктуацияli>
- Паияннои (ฯ, ຯ, ។)
- Апатарц (՚)
- Шешт (՛)
- Бацаканчакан ншан (՜)
- Бут (՝)
- Харцакан ншан (՞)
- Патив (՟)
- Верджакет (։)
- Ентамна (֊)
- Колон (·)
- Гиподиастола (⸒)
- Коронис (⸎)
- Параграфос (⸏)
- Дипла (⸖)
- Гереш (׳)
- Гершаим (״)
- Нун хафуха (׆)
- Иоритэн (〽)
- Средневековая запятая (⹌)
- Повышенная запятая (⸴)
- Двойной дефис (⸗, ⹀)
- Двойное тире (⸺)
jake gyllenhaal
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Showing all 112 itemsOverview (3)Mini Bio (1)Benjamin Gyllenhaal was born in Los Angeles, California, to producer/screenwriter Naomi Foner (née Achs) and director Stephen Gyllenhaal. He is the brother of actress Maggie Gyllenhaal, who played his sister in Donnie Darko (2001). His godmother is actress Jamie Lee Curtis. His mother is from a Jewish family, and his father's ancestry includes Swedish, English and Swiss-German.
At the age of eleven, Gyllenhaal made his movie debut in the comedy-drama City Slickers - Die Großstadt-Helden (1991), playing Billy Crystal's character's son. He made an impact in various films in the late 1990s and early 2000s, in films such as the period drama October Sky (1999), his breakthrough performance, and as the title role in the psychological thriller Donnie Darko (2001), for which he received an Independent Spirit Award nomination for Best Actor, playing a psychologically troubled teenager. He followed this with roles encompassing many different genres, including the comedy film, the Disney romantic comedy Bubble Boy (2001); opposite Jennifer Aniston in another Sundance favorite, The Good Girl (2002), as a young man grieving the death of his fiancée in Moonlight Mile - Eine Familiengeschichte (2002), and in the science fiction blockbuster The Day After Tomorrow (2004), portraying a student caught in a cataclysmic climate event, opposite Dennis Quaid.
Making his theater debut, Gyllenhaal appeared on the London stage with a starring role in Kenneth Lonergan's revival of "This Is Our Youth". The play was widely-received and played for eight weeks in London's West End. Gyllenhaal followed his successful theater en devour with a role in Jarhead - Willkommen im Dreck (2005), playing Anthony "Swoff" Swofford, an aggressive and masculine but equally vulnerable and sensitive Marine during the Gulf War, and Der Beweis (2005), as Gwyneth Paltrow's love interest. However, it was his follow-up performance that won critical acclaim in Brokeback Mountain (2005), in which he co-starred with Australian actor Heath Ledger, as sheep herders who fall in love in the 1960s and depicts their relationship over the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s.
For his role as Jack Twist, Gyllenhaal received critical acclaim and won the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role and was nominated for the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role, the Satellite Award for Best Supporting Actor - Motion Picture, and the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. Since then, he has acted in a wide range of movies, ranging from the critically-acclaimed thriller, Zodiac: Die Spur des Killers (2007), the drama Brothers (2009), playing opposite Tobey Maguire as the title siblings, in the action adventure film, Prince of Persia: Der Sand der Zeit (2010), sporting a bulked-up physique, and the box office hit, Love Other Drugs - Nebenwirkung inklusive (2010), in which he teamed up with Anne Hathaway, once again, and for which he was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy.
In the 2010s, Gyllenhaal starred in several major films for which he received significant critical acclaim: science fiction thriller Source Code (2011), police drama End of Watch (2012), mystery Prisoners (2013), dark media satire Nightcrawler - Jede Nacht hat ihren Preis (2014), the boxing drama Southpaw (2015), and the dramedy Demolition - Lieben und Leben (2015). For Nightcrawler, he was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor - Motion Picture Drama, the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role, and the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role.
Gyllenhaal is the godfather of Matilda Ledger (aka Matilda Rose Ledger), daughter of the late actor Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams. Gyllenhaal's most significant personal relationships have been with actresses Kirsten Dunst and Reese Witherspoon. He is friends with Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine, having known him since kindergarten. He is good friends with his sister's husband and Jarhead - Willkommen im Dreck (2005) co-star, actor Peter Sarsgaard.
- IMDb Mini Biography ByPedro Borgesem>Family (3)Trade Mark (8)
Jake's father has English, Swedish, Swiss-German, German, Scottish, and distant Welsh and French, ancestry. Jake's mother's family is Jewish (from Poland and Latvia).
His fans refer to themselves as "Gyllenhaalics".
He was awarded the 2002 London Evening Standard Theatre Award for Outstanding Newcomer for his performance in "This is Our Youth" at the Garrick Theatre in London, England.
Was named one of People magazine's 50 Hottest Bachelors [2004].
elementary school with band members of Maroon 5.
His favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird", and he has two dogs, Atticus and Boo named after characters in the novel.
for and was one of the top contenders for the role of Batman/Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins (2005).
Before success as an actor, he worked as a lifeguard. He never had any life-saving incidents, but did perform one lesser rescue. A swimmer had been stung on the leg by a jellyfish, and Gyllenhaal helped relieve the pain of the stings by urinating on the swimmer's leg.
they broke up in July 2004, he and Kirsten Dunst had an on and off relationship up until 2006.
Ranked #48 on Premiere magazine's 2006 "Power 50" list. It is his first appearance on the list.
Invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) in 2006.
with sister, Maggie Gyllenhaal, he attended Camp Walt Whitman, an outdoors summer camp in Western New Hampshire.
His uncle, Anders Gyllenhaal, is senior vice president and executive editor of The Miami Herald in Miami, Florida.
Like all Gyllenhaals on the male line, he is a Swedish nobleman by birth right and is listed in the Swedish Almanac of Nobility ("Sveriges ridderskaps- och adelskalender" in Swedish).
Campaigned for the Democrats in the 2004 US election.
Voted #10 in Elle (France) magazine's "15 Sexiest Men" poll. [June 2007]
Had his Bar Mitzvah party at a homeless shelter, something his parents encouraged to help him recognize how privileged his own childhood had been (a Bar Mitzvah is the coming-of-age service that Jewish boys celebrate at age 13).
personally approved by Joe Namath to play the football legend in a proposed biopic about the latter's life.
Was ranked #8 on Entertainment Weekly's '30 Under 30' the actors list (2008).
and sister Maggie Gyllenhaal are the first siblings to be Oscar-nominated for acting in the 21st century.
Has appeared on the cover of GQ magazine three times: June 2004, February 2007 and May 2010.
his Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor for Brokeback Mountain (2005), he was the last male aged 25 or under to have received an Academy Award nomination for acting until Lucas Hedges for Manchester by the Sea (2016) (age at the time of nomination). Born at 8:08 PM (PST).
Jamie Lee Curtis is his godmother.
Personal Quotes (32)
[1999] Being a star doesn't last. That's not what life should be about. It's a complete illusion that really has nothing to do with you. For me, finding out about life is the most important thing.
the one role that got away] I'd have to say Ewan McGregor's part in Moulin Rouge! (2001). It was so close. I sang and everything. I went through months of auditions. It was between me, Heath Ledger and Ewan. I think it came down to age and where people were in their careers. I was the youngest and the least known. I would hope it didn't have anything to do with talent. Maybe it did.
I admire actors and artists who devote just as much time to their life as they do to their work.
In a perfect world, I would love to do one play for every three movies.
The truth is most of the films that make a lot of money no one remembers, and I'm not interested in making films that no one remembers.
Coming from a family where my mom is a writer, I just respond to how people speak.
Some movies you fall a step behind and some you stay in the same place, make the same choices. And then sometimes there are people who know more than you but show you, and that's the maximum you can hope for - doing that with someone who says, "I like you for what you are, and I want you to be in my picture." I didn't have to fake it or put on a mask - all the resources I had inside me were more than adequate. I don't want to pretend to be something ... I'm not pretending any more to fit somebody's mold. That's a long-winded statement but - why not do what you really think, even if it's a mistake?
You know, it's flattering when there's a rumor that says I'm bisexual. It means I can play more kinds of roles. I'm open to whatever people want to call me. I've never really been attracted to men sexually, but I don't think I would be afraid of it if it happened. (December 2005)
We live in a sad time where actors are politicians and politicians are actors.
why he dislikes films with obvious political messages] It's very important for me to be in movies that don't have a message. Messages tend to be a little preachy, and I don't think that's what movies are about. It's important for me to be in movies that have a human level, have a heart in them. That's the reason why I did this (Machtlos (2007)) and it just so happens to be really topical. This political issue is a very important one right now which, as Americans, we need to look at. So it seems like it's (the film) is very political, it seems like there's a message in it, but ultimately there's a real story about human beings dealing with actual human things.
I think my strength is to do a take all the way through. I am definitely not someone who can do a sprint. Maybe I am not that smart, but it takes me a while to find the moment, and I like to be pushed toward it.
When you grow up there is some compromising to do. But compromising creative instinct is never good.
training for the police movie, End of Watch (2012)] We were all Tased. The whole cast. We decided that we thought it would be a sort of semi-bonding experience. When we had a choice between between pepper spray and being Tased, we were told by the professionals that Tasing was probably the preference because pepper spray lasts for a long time after. And a Tase is done in moments. Se we decided to go for quick and painful.
My parents were relatively progressive in their spiritual beliefs: my father is Christian and my mother is Jewish. On my 13th birthday, they thought it was important for me to experience a rite of passage, an entrance into manhood, and the consensus was that we would do something for the good of the community, some charitable work - a barmitzvah-like act, without the typical trappings. So we went to a homeless shelter and we did some work there and then I had the party - the celebration - there.
My dad descends from the Swedish Gyllenhaal family, a noble lineage that my ancestor Nils Gunnarsson Haal established in the 17th century and which has been very influential in Sweden for a long time. My great-grandfather emigrated to the USA. But I see myself as a Jew since my mother is a Russian-Jewish New Yorker.
It's only appropriate as an indulgent actor to think about quitting 'cause it's such an intense job.
The biggest mistake that I've made is not really admitting to myself that filmmaking is a director's medium. We all get into situations where we're working with people, and we try to control that. But I realized once I'm gone it's going to be the director's vision from here on out.
his failed audition for the role of Frodo Baggins] I remember auditioning for The Lord of the Rings and going in and not being told that I needed a British accent. I really do remember Peter Jackson saying to me, "You know that you have to do this in a British accent?" We heard back it was literally one of the worst auditions.
[on playing Donnie Darko] For me, personally, when approaching the role, it was sort of hard to figure out, because there's so many things that he gets hit with. I think that Donnie is what he comes in contact with.
Louis Bloom in Nightcrawler - Jede Nacht hat ihren Preis (2014)] My grandfather (whose parents were immigrants from Russia) he really wanted me at one point to read this story about Billy the Kid, because Billy the Kid was an immigrant, essentially, and he was someone that came here to reinvent himself, and that America is made up, obviously, out of the idea of reinvention, and that Billy the Kid is this quintessential American character, and was an immigrant. He reinvented his identity to become the quintessential American. And I think that Lou is a product of the times; he's been created...
[Advice for acting students] The way you behave with everybody is more important than the work you do. Generosity, kindness and patience will get you so far: that's the biggest lesson I've learned.
[on what he is personally fearful of] Many things. I think we're living in a particularly scary time. But I'm Jewish, so I have a tendency towards anxiety. With my work, no matter how much time and preparation I've had, I'm always scared. But I know what a privilege it is to do the job that I do. I know how amazing it is to be able to choose the work that I do.
[on receiving more attention for his abs in Prince of Persia than his character] It's fine, it's definitely flattering. I think there's a definite focus on vanity, and I think we all focus on it, which is so unimportant to me. What's interesting is the character being played.
[on his nearsightedness] Without contact lenses, I'm practically blind. This is where the mystery of my weird view of things comes from.
I was good at playing a smoker, all deep thinking and philosophical, and I had even bought a professional humidor that I never used. I also tried pipes for a while, but, in the end, I realised I prefer not smoking at all.
're tied to the facts [when it comes to movies like Everest (2015)]. But at the same time, you need to bring your own truth to the situation. I think that all of us are trying to become these people, their essence, while staying true to what we believe.
Baltasar [Kormakur] likes to roll and wants us to experience the elements, and he pushes us in that way. I love that in making movies; getting as close as you can to the real thing is always fascinating. He's relentless, driven, courageous and a bit crazy at times. There's fearlessness to him, and at the same time, he's incredibly sensitive and understanding.
Salary (2)src="http://res.cloudinary.com/dozxmsi7w/image/upload/v1657489449/MV5BNjA0MTU2NDY3MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDU4ODkzMzE@._V1_UY1200_CR86,0,630,1200_AL_.jpgbNominated for1OscarbAnother
36 wins 104 nominationsSee more awardsnbsph2>Related VideosPersonal DetailsOther Works:
He played the role of "Roland" in Nick Payne's "Constellations" on Broadway, co-starring Ruth Wilson and directed by Michael Longhurst, for which he was nominated for a Drama League AwardSee morehrh4>Publicity Listings:
9 Interviews22 Articles5 Pictorials17 Magazine Cover PhotosSee morehrhrph4>Alternate Names:Brother | Jacob Gyllenhaal | Jake Gyllenhallphrph4>Height:
5' 11½" (1.82 mphrph4>Children:Did You Know?Trademark:
Oval shaped handsome faceSee morehrh2>Contribute to This Page